Practising Law Institute (PLI) has announced the release of a new edition title, Copyright Law: A Practitioner’s Guide (2nd Edition).
What is legally protected under U.S. copyright law has become much more complex in today’s digital arena. The increase of communication through social media and other digital venues raises issues that did not exist a decade or two ago. Copyright Law: A Practitioner’s Guide, now in a new second edition, clarifies the current status of U.S. copyright law by explaining the major federal copyright legislation and related court rulings. It gives you the legal knowledge you need to protect your clients’ copyright interests in both the real world and the virtual world of cyberspace.
Written by two nationally recognized lawyers who have litigated major copyright cases in today’s digital age, Copyright Law, Second Edition helps you to:
• understand the scope of copyright owners’ exclusive rights
• prove copyright infringement and obtain appropriate remedies
• renew, restore, and recapture copyrights
• know when Internet-related activities constitute copyright infringement
• find out who owns a work for clearance purposes
• exploit unique defenses and statutory safe harbors that exist in the digital environment
• get insurance against litigation risks arising from possible infringing uses, and
• know when and how to register copyrights with the Copyright Office.
The new second edition of Copyright Law has been completely updated and expanded to reflect the most recent cases and changes in copyright law, and now includes two new chapters dedicated to criminal and international copyright law. In addition, new sections have been added that discuss:
• The Supreme Court’s June 2014 decision in American Broadcasting Cos. v. Aereo and its interpretation of the public performance right
• The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley and Sons and its impact on the first sale doctrine
• The relevance of “volitional conduct” as a prerequisite to direct liability
• Orphan works
• Copyright class actions
• “Space shifting” and “place shifting” as potential fair uses
• Pleading copyright claims after Twombly and Iqbal
Copyright Law, Second Edition is filled with valuable case discussions and practice pointers, such as the inclusion of a detailed flowchart using an actual case result to illustrate how actual damages and profits are calculated.
If you’d like to order Copyright Law: A Practitioner’s Guide (2nd Edition), please email the PLI Library Help Desk or call 877-900-5291