Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Law

Release # 3 is now available for Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Law.  This treatise was reviewed by the New York Law Journal.  

Written by one of the country’s foremost patent law groups, this uniquely accessible reference provides you with the legal, scientific, and technical information you need to help clients obtain, defend, and challenge the validity of patents.

Readable enough for non-lawyers and non-scientists, Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Law shows you how to craft rock-solid patent applications for these inventions; partner with the government to bring patented inventions quickly to the marketplace; invalidate competitors’ patents by proving they fail to meet key requirements; protect against various forms of patent infringement; and successfully rebut charges that your clients are infringers. Included are detailed checklists that help you resolve especially thorny patent problems.

If your library is on standing order for this treatise, you can expect Release #3 to arrive soon.  If you’d like to order the release please email or call 877-900-5291. 

View a sample chapter here.