Hedge Fund Regulation

Release # 8 is now available for Hedge Fund Regulation.

With scores of enforcement actions over the past five years involving hedge funds, high-profile insider trader cases implicating hedge fund managers, and new and imminent SEC rules aimed at hedge funds, the legal and compliance pressures on the industry have hit an all-time high.

PLI’s Hedge Fund Regulation helps you steer a safe course through the turbulence. Clearly explaining the federal and state standards governing the organization and operation of hedge funds, this much-needed guide helps to ensure that you follow the rules when you structure hedge funds; register, disclose and retain information; solicit and advertise to potential investors; use the Internet for capital-raising purposes; engage in various trading and investment activities; and pursue investment opportunities in adjacent markets.

This title also shows you how to implement compliance policies and procedures that detect and prevent wrongdoing within the firm, as well as how to quality for statutory “safe harbors” that lessen your compliance load.


If your library is on standing order for this treatise, you can expect Release #8 to arrive soon.  If you’d like to order the release please email libraryrelations@pli.edu or call 877-900-5291. 

View a sample chapter here.