Earlier this month, the PLI librarians enjoyed connecting with law librarians from across the country at the 2023 American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting & Conference in Boston.

At the PLI Booth, we provided demos of PLI PLUS, answered questions about the PLI Press catalog of publications, and shared our new podcast PLI Ever Current: The Practising Law Librarian. Hosted by Karen Oesterle, PLI’s associate director of legal research development, The Practising Law Librarian features interviews with movers and shakers in the law librarian community – many of whom were at the conference – including Cornell H. Winston, the incoming vice president/president-elect of AALL, and Becky Katz, whose poster “On the Right Track: A New Approach to Access to Justice in the District of Columbia” was on display in the exhibit hall.

At PLI’s Lunch & Learn, attendees watched a demonstration of PLI PLUS that highlighted several new enhancements added to the platform in the last year including an archival titles filter, Ever Current links, the trending titles and topics display, and more. Check out the slides from the presentation.

Trisha Petitt, Foley & Lardner LLP’s technical services librarian, pictured here next to PLI’s associate director of library relations Kay Mitchell (on the left), was the lucky winner of this year’s Lunch & Learn raffle.

It was great seeing so many of our colleagues in Boston this year! For anyone who couldn’t attend, check out these flyers from our booth: