Outsourcing: A Practical Guide to Law & Business – New PLI treatise title

Outsourcing: A Practical Guide to Law and Business examines different types of outsourcing, special considerations for outsourcing to India and China, and the life cycle of a typical outsourcing transaction. This timely treatise guides you on how to organize your internal resources to prepare for outsourcing relationships; use outside consultants; maximize the benefits of benchmarking; handle the vendor selection process; develop pricing structures and fee arrangements; negotiate the agreement and schedules that drive the business deal; effect dispute resolution techniques; and manage the outsourcing relationship after signing.

Sample key contract provisions help you to define the scope of services, establish standards of care and governance, set liability caps, deal with intellectual property issues, and resolve disputes.

Outsourcing: A Practical Guide to Law and Business is a vital reference for new vendors and customers as well as for experienced outsourcing players.

 Book Information:

 1st Edition

ISBN Number: 9781402413216

Page Count: 1254 pages

Item #: 10624

Price: $285.00

To order the book click here, or write us at libraryrelations@pli.edu.

View a sample chapter here.