FREE 1-Hour Briefing on Tax Research in the Library

PLI is holding a 1-hour briefing that looks at tax research in the library.  This briefing, entitled An Introduction to Tax Research in the Library: The Crossroad between Information and Practice, is free to all who register in advance.

This program reviews what  librarians, attorneys, and allied professionals need to know about tax research in order to support tax practice and aid other consumers of library reference services.  This course will shed light on sources that will help librarians, attorneys, and legal researchers find and navigate IRS pronouncements, tax news and secondary materials (both print and online, published and unpublished).  As an added bonus for the legal librarians who also have their JD and research attorney’s, CLE credit is available.

When: September 29, 2010

When: 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Format: Audio only

For additional information, or to register click here.


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit