May 2011 Treatise Update

In May 2011 PLI published two new titles.

  1. Insurance Regulation Answer Book
  2. Consumer Financial Services Answer Book

In addition, the following titles were updated. If you are on standing order, you should receive these releases soon. If you would like to place an order, please write

  1. Advertising & Commercial Speech Rel. #7
  2. Bankruptcy Deskbook Rel. #8
  3. Broker-Dealer Regulation Rel. #10
  4. Corporate Legal Departments Rel. #24
  5. Friedman on Contracts Rel. #11
  6. International Corporate Practice Rel. #4
  7. IRS Practice and Procedure Deskbook Rel. #2
  8. Public Company Deskbook Rel. #3
  9. Sack on Defamation Rel. #1
  10. Substantial Similarity in Copyright Law Rel. #8
  11. Tax and Estate Planning Rel. #8