Looking for authoritative resources on Intellectual Property law? You can find acclaimed, expert-authored sources on PLI Discover PLUS, which provides you with the most up-to-date content such as the recently supplemented Treatise Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Law. This title offers legal, scientific, and technical information to help clients obtain, defend and challenge the validity of patents.
Updated information on:
Patentable subject matter – find updated details on the Supreme Court’s decision to revisit the question of patentable subject matter in Alice Corp. Pty. V. CLS Bank International. Questions on whether or not the Court decided that the laws of nature and abstract ideas are basic tools of scientific and technological work? Go to Section 3.8 to find the answers.
Indefiniteness – in Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc. (2014), the Supreme Court adopted “reasonable certainty” standard for measuring indefiniteness. Read up on the standard in Section 5:7.2[B].
New chemical entity exclusivity-novel combinations – read up on how the FDA reversed its previous position and has proposed that fixed-combination drugs should be eligible for new chemical entity (NCE) exclusivity if any of the active ingredients in the combination had not been previously approved. Find the details on the FDA’s new policy in Section 8:3.2[B][2].