Are you looking for authoritative resources on Litigation law? You can find acclaimed, expert-authored sources on PLI Discover PLUS, which provides you with the most up-to-date content such as the recently supplemented Treatise Post-Grant Proceedings Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. This Treatise will help guide you through the process of initiating a post-grant proceeding, taking discovery, seeking sanctions, proposing and opposing claim amendments, effectively advocating at the oral hearing, appealing to the Federal Circuit, and handling a wide array of issues involving co-pending district court litigation.
You’ll find updated information on:
Claims Challenged and Grounds – current decisions on who has standing to challenge a patent in an inter partes review petition. Read details on these decisions in Section 3:2.3.
Cross-Examination of Petitioner’s Declarant(s) – this section in Chapter 1 “Patent Owner Discovery Period, Response and Proposed Amendments”, has been significantly expanded to reflect new guidance from the Board. Do you have questions on specific wording on observations or foreign language depositions that require an interpreter? Find that information in Section 8:1.1.
Appeals to the Federal Circuit – this chapter has been updated to provide information on a number of cases that were decided in 2014, to help clarify which issues are not appealable. For example, you can read more on the PTAB decision not to institute an inter partes review in Section 14:1.