Free One-Hour Briefing on Accessing Justice: Ethics and Lawsuit Financing in a New Era

The expense of bringing a case to trial for attorneys, firms, and the parties themselves can be astronomical. How often in your practice do you reject cases because neither your firm nor the client will be able to shoulder the costs of litigation, particularly in cases that will be complicated or protracted? Have you found yourself at the receiving end of a scorched-earth defense strategy that has swallowed up firm resources and profits? Have your clients struggled to meet operating expenses while waiting for their day in court? What options do litigators without deep pockets have to properly prepare and bring cases to trial and appeal?

The use of alternative litigation finance (“ALF”) has engendered spirited debate within the legal community, largely centered upon its impact on attorney ethics requirements. Does a third party’s investment impact an attorney’s duty to use independent professional judgment? Can it cause impermissible conflicts of interest? Does it potentially threaten sacred attorney-client and work product privileges?

In this engaging and informative program, James Batson, an attorney with over 20 years of litigation expertise and an Investment Manager and Legal Counsel to Bentham IMF, will introduce the use of litigation funding as a modern means to ensure meritorious cases get the commitment of resources they deserve. In addition to introducing the basics of alternative litigation finance, Jim will address numerous Rules of Professional Responsibility and how they intersect with litigation funding.

A detailed appendix will be provided containing the ethics opinions and additional contents discussed during the program.

Register now and don’t miss this important free briefing!


PLI Free Fridays

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