The growth of variable insurance products has been dramatic and reflects broader trends that have occurred in financial services over the past few decades. Variable products are a clear example of how insurance companies have expanded their product base to more directly link insurance and investment. In recent years, other insurance investment products, such as SEC-registered fixed annuities, have grown in importance. PLI helps you keep pace with these developments.
Edited by Clifford E. Kirsch, noted authority in the area of securities regulation and compliance, and with valuable contributions from more than two dozen other distinguished practitioners in the field, PLI Press’s new Third Edition of Variable Annuities and Other Insurance Investment Products (formerly Variable Annuities & Variable Life Insurance Regulation) provides attorneys, compliance personnel, and business professionals with the most current legal, regulatory, and procedural guidance regarding variable annuities and other insurance investment products.
The comprehensive coverage in Variable Annuities and Other Insurance Products is grouped broadly into two sections. Part I focuses on variable insurance products, which are subject to a complex regulatory framework that includes the federal securities laws, state insurance laws, ERISA, and tax. Part II covers other types of insurance investment products such as insurance-linked securities.
This essential treatise can be found on PLI PLUS. If you would like to order a print copy, please email