Treatise Update: Directors’ and Officers’ Liability


Directors’ and Officers’ Liability: Current Law, Recent Developments, Emerging Issues (Third Edition) provides a cutting-edge, straightforward explanation of the obligations of directors and officers of public companies, the penalties they face if they fail to meet their obligations, and the protections available to them under the law or by agreement. Authors Barry Kaplan and Gregory Watts provide solid coverage of topics of utmost importance to directors and officers—the sources of law governing the duties of directors and officers; the key facets of board committees; D&O duties under state corporate law and federal and state securities laws; private civil actions and public enforcement; exculpations, indemnity, and insurance; cybersecurity; contested mergers and acquisitions; Securities Act suits filed in state court; special issues in pharma and biotech; and more.

Of particular note, the chapter on Emerging Issues provides readers with coverage of the latest new developments in the area. Regularly updated, this chapter brings readers’ attention to the latest on dynamic issues like D&O liability related to data breaches, sexual harassment, and climate change.

Director’ and Officers’ Liability is a vital resource for corporate and outside counsel and private practitioners—particularly those whose expertise and specialized training may not include corporate governance and securities.

Highlights of Release #2 include:

  • Emerging Issues: Chapter 8 has been extensively updated to bring you timely discussion of emerging areas of potential liability for directors and officers such as cryptocurrency and initial coin offerings, sexual harassment, and climate change.
  • Board Membership Policies: Gender and ethnic diversity is increasingly a criterion for membership on the board of a public company, and in September 2018, California became the first state to require public companies to have female directors on their boards.

This essential treatise is available on PLI PLUS. If you would like to purchase a print copy, please contact