Public Company Deskbook: Complying with Federal Governance & Disclosure Requirements (Third Edition) provides expert counsel on how to deal effectively with the overlapping legislative, regulatory and private initiatives to reform public company governance and disclosure practices over the past decade.
Highlights of from the latest update–Release #12– include:
- Updates to Chapter 2A, Annual Meeting Timeline and Script, to reflect the dates relevant to the 2021 proxy season.
- Updates to Chapter 2F, Rule 14a-8 Shareholder Proposals, to reflect lessons learned from 2020 for the 2021 proxy season, including shareholder proposals and SEC no-action relief.
- Updates to Chapter 5B, Stock Exchange Annual Reporting and Compliance Certifications, and Chapter 5D, Stock Exchange Interim Reporting and Compliance Affirmations, to reflect the revised forms of NYSE annual and interim reporting and compliance affirmations.
- Updates to Chapter 5E, Website Disclosures, to reflect changes to various required or permitted disclosures.
- Updates to Appendix L, Private Sector Corporate Governance Recommendations and Voting Policies, to reflect current voting policies of major institutional investors.
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