Popular Titles on PLI PLUS

The tallies are in. Here are the popular Treatises and Answer Books on PLI PLUS right now.

10 Popular Titles:

  1. The Corporate Tax Practice Series
  2. The Partnership Tax Practice Series
  3. Private Equity Funds
  4. Mergers, Acquisitions & Tender Offers
  5. Investment Adviser Regulation
  6. Stepping It Up: A Guide for Mid-Level Law Firm Associates
  7. Exempt and Hybrid Securities Offerings
  8. An Associate’s First Year: A Guide to Thriving at a Law Firm
  9. Sack on Defamation
  10. Public Company Deskbook

Popular Banking Titles:

  1. Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds Regulation
  2. Working with Contracts
  3. Hillman on Commercial Loan Documentation
  4. Asset-Based Lending
  5. Equipment Leasing-Leveraged Leasing

Popular Corporate & Securities Titles:

  1. The Corporate Tax Practice Series
  2. Private Equity Funds
  3. Mergers, Acquisitions & Tender Offers
  4. Investment Adviser Regulation
  5. Exempt and Hybrid Securities Offerings

Popular Intellectual Property Titles:

  1. Sack on Defamation
  2. How to Write a Patent Application
  3. Proskauer on Privacy
  4. Patent Law
  5. Kane on Trademark Law

Popular Litigation Titles:

  1. Stepping It Up: A Guide for Mid-Level Law Firm Associates
  2. Sack on Defamation
  3. Depositions Answer Book
  4. COVID-19 and Other Pandemics
  5. Securities Litigation

Popular Real Estate Titles:

  1. Friedman on Leases
  2. Commercial Ground Leases
  3. Hillman on Commercial Loan Documentation
  4. Friedman and Smith on Contracts and Conveyances of Real Property
  5. Holtzschue on Real Estate Contracts and Closings

Popular Tax & Estate Titles:

  1. The Corporate Tax Practice Series
  2. The Partnership Tax Practice Series
  3. Mergers, Acquisitions & Tender Offers
  4. The Partnership Tax Practice Series (2018 Edition)
  5. Proskauer on Privacy

Popular Employment Titles:

  1. Proskauer on Privacy
  2. COVID-19 and Other Pandemics
  3. Fragomen on Immigration Fundamentals
  4. California Consumer Privacy Act  Annotated
  5. Legal Guide to the Business of Marijuana