New Edition! Internal Revenue Service Practice and Procedure Deskbook (Eighth Edition)

PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new edition of the Internal Revenue Service Practice and Procedure Deskbook.

The eighth edition contains guidance for representing a client undergoing a civil or criminal tax examination. It presents an overall discussion of IRS procedures and practical and strategic considerations. The Deskbook is an indispensable resource for any individual or entity appearing before the IRS including lawyers, accountants, in-house tax directors, and tax counsel.

Some of the highlights from the new edition include:

  • Informal guidance to reject research credit claims as nonprocessible to the extent claims do not meet the “sufficiency standard” with respect to five different items of information (see section 8:1.2);
  • A recommendation that Congress should extend the lookback period when the filing deadline is postponed by the IRS due to a disaster declaration, to the period of the postponement plus three years, plus any extension of time for filing the return (see section 8:1.9[B]);
  • An explanation that many taxpayers preparing their 2021 returns are now grappling with the 80 percent limit under section 172(a) for the first time (see section 8:3); and
  • A discussion of whether a partnership may recover litigation costs paid by its partners (see section 18.7.1).

Order a print copy today.

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