Treatise Update: Stocker on Drawing Wills and Trusts

Stocker on Drawing Wills and Trusts (Fourteenth Edition) is a vital planning tool for estates, trusts, and tax planning specialists and any general practitioner involved in crafting wills, trusts or other estate planning documents.

For more than 50 years, attorneys and estate planners have relied on this essential treatise to provide high-quality, comprehensive, field-tested drafting guidance that ensures wills, trusts and other estate planning documents fully express clients’ wishes without provoking costly legal challenges.

Enhanced by hundreds of labor-saving sample forms and clauses, this title provides guidance on how to help clients capitalize on the full range of tax-saving and non-tax opportunities.

Highlights of Release #4 include:

  • Chapter 5: Estate Tax and Planning for the Applicable Credit Amount is updated to discuss the inflation adjusted numbers issued by the Service for 2020, and provides updated figures for transfer tax rates, exemption amounts, and the total (federal and state) estate tax top rate.
  • Chapter 6, Section 4.3[F]: Gift Tax on QTIP Property is updated to explain that a major pitfall for QTIP planning is the surviving spouse’s gifting of a QTIP income interest.
  • Chapter 10, Section 10: Income Tax Planning for Other Considerations is expanded to examine changes to the Kiddie Tax for taxable years 2018–2025, during which the child’s unearned income will be taxed at the ordinary and capital gains rates applicable to trusts and estates.

Order your print copy today.

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