Author Archives: Library Relations

Treatise Update: Friedman and Smith on Contracts and Conveyances of Real Property (Eighth Edition)

Friedman and Smith on Contracts and Conveyances of Real Property (Eighth Edition) delivers essential information and guidance to practitioners in the field of real estate conveyancing by helping readers to carefully consider all of the issues and options before finalizing a contract, handle unexpected problems and contingencies, factor in a relevant case law when structuring sound agreements, and avoid drafting ambiguous or incomplete contracts. This book explains common law principles, and thousands of statutes and court decisions, creating a road map for readers on what course of action to take and what to avoid at every stage of real estate conveyancing.

Providing more than 140 sample forms, sample clauses, and checklists that simplify and accelerate transactions, Friedman and Smith on Contracts is a comprehensive guide to every aspect of real estate contracts and conveyances.

The new release includes updates on the following topics:

  • Chapter 1, Contracts of Sale, provides updated discussion on whether attorney review clauses are illusory.
  • Chapter 2, Parties to Contracts, includes updated discussion on whether an entity’s change of name on the enforceability of a contract.
  • Chapter 8, Misrepresentations by Sellers and Buyers, defines seller conduct that amounts to active concealment of defects.
  • Chapter 9, Mortgage Financing, includes discussion of “points,” which are upfront payments made at closing, sometimes referred to as a premium or discount or origination fees.
  • Chapter 10, Existing Mortgages—Continuation After Sale, provides discussion of N.Y. Real Prop. Law § 274-A, a New York statute that requires a mortgage holder to provide a payoff statement to a mortgagor who has signed a contract to sell or has received a written mortgage commitment from another lender.
  • Chapter 23, Contract Remedies for Buyer Default, includes updated discussion of seller’s damages after buyer’s breach, specifically determining the time of breach.
  • Chapter 24, Contract Remedies for Seller Default, covers the English Good Faith Rule and the American Rile with respect to damages resulting from the seller’s inability to convey proper title.
  • Chapter 26, Deed Elements, covers updated discussion of conveyances where grantee exercises undue influence over the grantor.
  • Chapter 33, Land Descriptions, reviews the “being the same” clause.
  • Chapter 34, Surveys, provides new discussion on when boundary lines touch or pass through buildings.

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

Free Legal Form of the Month

PLI PLUS offers unlimited electronic access to more than 4,500 downloadable, searchable, and editable legal forms ready for use in your practice. In an effort to highlight this unique content type, we’ve selected one form per month and made it available for anyone to download for free – no subscription required.

December’s free form:

Ground Lease

More information about Legal Forms & Checklists:

  • Forms & Checklists Flyer – This flyer provides an overview of the forms & checklists on PLI PLUS and highlights a handful of popular examples.
  •  Popular PLUS Forms – This flyer provides a list of the top five most downloaded forms in prominent practice areas on PLI PLUS.

Send us an email at to learn more.

Treatise Update: New York Elder Law (Second Edition)

New York Elder Law provides authoritative guidance on how elder law practitioners and their clients can plan around and best confront the varied issues impacting the elderly. In addition to sample wills and helpful practice-orientated checklists, this book features the latest legal developments regarding Medicare, Medi-gap Insurance, Medicaid eligibility, Medicaid home care, nursing home rights, powers of attorney, and health care decision-making.

The new release includes the following updates:

  • Chapter 3, Medicaid for the Elderly, Blind, or Disabled, covers the E14 Waivers or exceptions put in place for Medicaid renewals from July 1, 2023, through May 2024.
  • Chapter 4, Medicaid Home Care: A Basic Introduction, includes new discussions covering the new form DOH-5770, Practitioner Statement of Need and LDSS’s submission of a web-based form to NYIA requesting expedited assessments upon receipt of an immediate need request.
  • Chapter 5, Nursing Homes, reviews visitation requirements for nursing homes, as well as residents’ rights.
  • Chapter 6, New York Power of Attorney, discusses the effect of a defective notarization on a power of attorney and the requirements to make gifts under the 2009 amendments to the NY GOL.
  • Chapter 7, Health Care Decision Making, provides new discussion of the Palliative Care Access Act.

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

Treatise Update: Holtzschue on Real Estate Contracts and Closings: A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying and Selling Real Estate (Third Edition)

Holtzschue on Real Estate Contracts and Closings provides thorough legal, technical, and strategic guidance to help implement dispute-free residential deals more quickly and easily. This practice guide clearly explains the governing law and customary industry practices to ensure that readers can successfully prepare for a sale or purchase of real estate, including knowing how to deal with the appropriate documents, tax issues, and brokers, drafting and negotiating the contract. Readers also receive a comprehensive dive and real-life examples of negotiation tactics, lease modifications, proactive planning of troublesome developments, drafting errors, liability mitigation measures, eviction considerations, on-premises conditions and repairs, and considerations relevant to different lease types.

The new release includes the following updates:

  • Chapter 1, Preparing for the Sale or Purchase, provides an updated discussion on financing.
  • Chapter 2, Drafting and Negotiating the Contract, includes the N.Y.S. Association of Realtors guidance effective August 17, 2024, for compliance with the National Association of Realtors’ antitrust brokerage commissions settlement.
  • Chapter 3, Preparing for the Closing, provides an updated discussion of deed descriptions.
  • Chapter 4, The Closing,includes the latest case developments.

The Tables of Authorities and Index have also been updated.

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

New Title! Practitioner’s Deskbook on Evidence

PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new practice guide Practitioner’s Deskbook on Evidence.

A comprehensive analysis of the law of evidence and practice, this new book focuses on the Federal Rules of Evidence and its interpretive case law that represents the prevailing evidence law in the United States. The text covers all facets of evidence law and practice, including relevance and unfair prejudice, hearsay and its exemptions and exceptions, the Confrontation Clause, direct examination, cross-examination, the various impeachment methods, real and illustrative evidence, and documentary and electronic evidence. The book uniquely combines both the law and practical aspects of evidence law.

Notably, Practitioner’s Deskbook on Evidence covers the following important topics:

  • Procedural Issues: Objections, Rulings, and Appellate Review (see Chapter 2)
  • Character, Other Act, and Habit Evidence (see Chapter 4)
  • The Confrontation Clause (see Chapter 8)
  • Witness Competence (see Chapter 9)
  • The Law and Art of Cross-Examination (see Chapter 11)
  • Expert Testimony and Lay Opinion Testimony (see Chapter 13)
  • Documentary and Electronic Evidence (see Chapter 15)
  • Federal Rules of Evidence(see Appendix A)

We are excited to share this new title with you!

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

What’s New on PLI PLUS

We add content to PLI PLUS every month to ensure our subscribers have access to the most up-to-date and relevant secondary source legal documents. Renowned legal experts regularly update our acclaimed Treatises/Practice Guides, Course Handbooks, Answer Books, Transcripts, and Forms to reflect recent changes and developments in the law.

Click here to see what we added in November 2024!

Baby Reindeer Meets PLI

We are thrilled to share that Lyrissa Lidsky, a leading expert on defamation and author of PLI’s treatise Sack on Defamation: Libel, Slander, and Related Problems (Fifth Edition), was recently quoted in the New York Times in an article about the high-profile  Baby Reindeer defamation lawsuit. Check out the article:  “Based on a True Story, or a True Story? In ‘Baby Reindeer’ Lawsuit, Words Matter.” 

Order a print copy of Sack on Defamation today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

Free Legal Form of the Month

PLI PLUS offers unlimited electronic access to more than 4,500 downloadable, searchable, and editable legal forms ready for use in your practice. In an effort to highlight this unique content type, we’ve selected one form per month and made it available for anyone to download for free – no subscription required.

November’s free form:

FINRA Clawback Agreement Template

More information about Legal Forms & Checklists:

  • Forms & Checklists Flyer – This flyer provides an overview of the forms & checklists on PLI PLUS and highlights a handful of popular examples.
  •  Popular PLUS Forms – This flyer provides a list of the top five most downloaded forms in prominent practice areas on PLI PLUS.

Send us an email at to learn more.

Treatise Update: Commercial Ground Leases (Fourth Edition)

Commercial Ground Leases (Fourth Edition) acquaints readers with key concepts, dispute resolution practices, and drafting strategies concerning commercial ground leases. The book features enlightening discussions on base and ground rents, reappraisals, tenant and landlord financing, subletting, exculpatory clauses, mortgage financing, insurance and damage considerations, defaults, redemption, and rights to repurchase, inflation indexing and other important commercial ground lease concepts, along with dozens of practice-ready forms and checklists.

The new release includes the following updates:

  • Chapter 3, Base Rent and Other Payments, includes an updated discussion of indexing and step rents.
  • Chapter 4, Reappraisal of Ground Rents, highlights a new discussion that traces the history of ground rent resets and provides an annotated form of reappraisal clause involving both use value and highest and best use reappraisal techniques.
  • Chapter 8 , Leasehold Financing, includes new lease provisions.
  • Appendix A, Ground Lease, includes updated Annual Minimum Rent provision during the Extended Term involves both use value and highest and best use reappraisal techniques.
  • Appendix X, Inflation Indexing, is updated with Chart 5, which covers the years 1950 to 2024, a total of seventy-five years.

The Tables of Authorities and Index have also been updated.

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.