Category Archives: New Edition!

New Editions! SEC Compliance and Disclosure Series

PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new editions of the three books in the SEC Compliance and Disclosure Series.

The titles in the series are step-by-step guides delivering clear explanations, comprehensive information, and essential practice tips.

Master the 8-K offers updated direction on filing the SEC’s Current Report on Form 8-K. Master the 10-K and 10-Q gives instructions and analysis to ensure accurate and timely filings. Master the Proxy Statement advises companies on year-end disclosures and preparing proxy materials. The series includes sample language, detailed appendices, key regulations, and related forms and checklists.

Some of the highlights from the recently published editions include:

  • The latest guidance alerting users to the potential upcoming new Form 8-K Item for “cyberse­curity incidents” (see Master the 8-K Introduction and Item 1.05);
  • Discussion of the revisions to the redaction process relating to confidential information in exhibits that removed the old “competitive harm” requirement (see Master the 8-K §GP:8);
  • Instruction to users about potential Form 8-K disclosure revisions that could result from the Commission’s proposed amendments relative to SPACs and “de-SPAC” transactions (see Master the 8-K Item 2.01);
  • Explanation of the new requirement to soon submit (on EDGAR) the “glossy” annual report to shareholders required by Rule 14a-3(b) (see Master the 10-K and 10-Q §GP:5.2);
  • Notification on the addition of Item 9C to Form 10-K—“Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspections” (see Master the 10-K and 10-Q §GP:2 and §3:9);
  • Communication about the adoption of rules allowing for electronic signatures on SEC filings (see Master the 10-K and 10-Q §GP3:3)
  • Announcement of changes to the rules regarding the furnishing of proxy voting advice (see Master the Proxy Statement General Principles and Appendix 1);
  • Information about the universal proxy rule, which is now effective for contested director elec­tions taking place after August 31, 2022 (see Master the Proxy Statement §21:1);
  • The new exhibit requirement when a fee is required in connection with fil­ing proxy materials (see Master the Proxy Statement §GP2:2).

Order print copies of Master the 8-K, Master the 10-K and 10Q, and Master the Proxy Statement today. 

PLI PLUS subscribers can access these titles through their subscription.

New Edition! Internal Revenue Service Practice and Procedure Deskbook (Eighth Edition)

PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new edition of the Internal Revenue Service Practice and Procedure Deskbook.

The eighth edition contains guidance for representing a client undergoing a civil or criminal tax examination. It presents an overall discussion of IRS procedures and practical and strategic considerations. The Deskbook is an indispensable resource for any individual or entity appearing before the IRS including lawyers, accountants, in-house tax directors, and tax counsel.

Some of the highlights from the new edition include:

  • Informal guidance to reject research credit claims as nonprocessible to the extent claims do not meet the “sufficiency standard” with respect to five different items of information (see section 8:1.2);
  • A recommendation that Congress should extend the lookback period when the filing deadline is postponed by the IRS due to a disaster declaration, to the period of the postponement plus three years, plus any extension of time for filing the return (see section 8:1.9[B]);
  • An explanation that many taxpayers preparing their 2021 returns are now grappling with the 80 percent limit under section 172(a) for the first time (see section 8:3); and
  • A discussion of whether a partnership may recover litigation costs paid by its partners (see section 18.7.1).

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

New Edition! Corporate Political Activities Deskbook (2022 Edition)

PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new edition of Corporate Political Activities Deskbook.

The Deskbook serves as a practical manual for attorneys who advise corporations about involvement in the political process. It provides a thorough grounding in the law of federal and state campaign finance, pay-to-play, lobbying, and gift compliance, along with examples of best practices that can help corporations successfully interact with United States federal, state, and local governments and officials.

The new edition reflects the most current state of the law and includes, for easy reference, updated charts on state and local pay-to-play rules, federal and state lobby laws, and state contribution laws.

Among the developments discussed in the 2022 Edition are:

  • Foreign National Prohibition – Update added about the 2021 SEC ruling regarding whether the ban on foreign national involvement in the financing of any U.S. election extends to include spending relative to ballot initiatives (see Section 1:2.2).
  • FARA Rulemaking – A new section calls attention to the DOJ’s December 2021 advanced notice of proposed rulemaking which solicited comments relevant to an anticipated comprehensive update on the implementing regulations under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (see Section 7:5).
  • Jurisdictions with Pay-to-Play Rules –A revised table of jurisdictions with pay-to-play rules includes additional cities in Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas (see Section 5:2, Table 5-1).

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.