We have recently updated our treatise The Corporate Tax Practice Series.
With contributions from more than 435 of the world’s leading tax practitioners, including former Internal Revenue Service and Department of Treasury officials, this 31-volume set is the definitive resource on corporate tax.
The 2017 edition of The Corporate Tax Practice Series contains 100 articles that have been updated to reflect the latest developments in topics ranging from LLC incentive compensation to modifying debt and its consequences. We’ve also added 31 new articles that have not
previously appeared in the series that tackle issues including:
• A financial and income tax analysis of earnouts
• S corporation acquisition techniques
• Misclassification of employees and Section 530 relief
• Significant modification of debt instruments
The updated treatise is available on PLI PLUS, our research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email libraryrelations@pli.edu or call 877.900.5291.