Tag Archives: Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

 Did you know Discover PLUS has more than 200 documents pertaining to Environmental Law? 

Course Handbooks: More than 160 chapters

Answer Books: More than 25 chapters

Transcripts: 27 segments

Forms: 9



Also, don’t miss the next live seminar of Environmental Regulation 2015: Hot Topics, Regulatory Developments, and Practical Guidance for Corporate Compliance on June 12, 2015 in New York, NY.

Join your fellow colleagues and our expert faculty for an insightful look into the current environmental law landscape and for many helpful takeaways to support your practice.

The 2015 program will cover the following issues among other topics:

  • Recent changes in air and climate regulation with practical suggestions for compliance and annual Title V certifications
  • Examination of new and proposed air and climate change regulatory standards for existing sources
  • International environmental regulation issues including chemical regulation, waste disposal and transboundary pollution
  • Clean Water Act issues, New NEPA guidance and EIS analysis issues
  • Hazardous waste sites and toxic tort issues and recent CERCLA case law
  • Environmental due diligence and negotiating real estate and corporate deals
  • Legal ethics in the environmental context

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