Tag Archives: New York Elder Law

New York Elder Law – Release #27 available

Thousands of advocates for older, blind, and disabled New York State residents rely on PLI’s New York Elder Law for useful, authoritative guidance on the legal issues confronting their clients and on the ways these practitioners can work more effectively with various federal and state agencies to help their clients.

New York Elder Law taps experts in their respective fields to cover the latest legal issues and pertinent figures with regard to Social Security; Supplemental Security Income; Social Security and SSI Disability; Medicare; Supplemental Medical Insurance; Medicaid for the elderly, blind and disabled; home care; protective services; housing; nursing homes; health care decision-making; veteran’s benefits; and retirement plans.

New York Elder Law contains numerous checklists to save you time and help you stay up to speed with rapidly changing laws and numbers, including up-to-date eligibility and benefit levels, benefit checklists for older adults, and flow charts for step-by-step guidance through complex appeals processes.

Release #27 is now available. If your library is on standing order, look for this release to arrive in the next week or two.  If you’d like to order the release you can email libraryrelations@pli.edu.