Tag Archives: Practising Law Institute

Insurance Regulation Answer Book 2011 (New title)

The Insurance Regulation Answer Book provides a general overview of the significant legal and regulatory guidelines that govern the insurance business in the United States. While it is deliberately high level, providing an introduction to a complex and constantly changing area of the law, it regularly offers readers practical guidance designed to assist them to effectively uncover the legal implications of proposed actions so they can help maximize opportunities, minimize liabilities and reduce compliance costs.

The Insurance Regulation Answer Book covers such areas as:

  • The complete definitions of–and distinctions between–the different kinds of insurance
  • The federal regulatory requirements, including recent amendments, on insurance company policies, investments and financial condition
  • The role of reinsurance in spreading financial risk

The Insurance Regulation Answer Book is completely current, seamlessly integrating coverage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank and other recent legislative developments of critical importance. It also provides the context and analysis to help navigate an increasingly complex international regulatory landscape.

Book Information:

Title: Insurance Regulation Answer Book 2011

ISBN #:  978-1-4024-1571-5

Item #: 32644

Price: $195.00

To order the book click here, or write us at libraryrelations@pli.edu.

View a sample chapter here.

A Justice in His Own Words

Making Our Democracy Work, A Judge’s View, by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was released yesterday.  NPR reviewed the book and supplied an excerpt, click here to read it.  The book is a “combination of history and legal philosophy. It argues that there are no easy, color-by-the-numbers answers to many legal questions and that to suggest there are is an illusion.”  The book also delves into the difference of legal opinions that Breyer has had with Justice Antonin Scalia.

Interested in learning more about the Supreme Court and their significant cases?  Every year PLI holds its Supreme Court Review and publishes the accompanying course handbook by the same name.  The 12th Annual Supreme Court review will be published on October 30, 2010.  Click here to learn more.