PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new edition of Social Media and the Law.
This book can help to minimize the risk of litigation and other legal problems arising from the use of social media platforms by analyzing it in various legal contexts, including privacy, civil litigation, employment, criminal activity and prosecution, intellectual property, defamation, advertising, and regulated industries. Relevant legislation, court opinions, usage trends, and industry responses are discussed.
Notable developments covered in the new edition are:
- Use of technology by Human Resources departments (Chapter 6): Recent statistics on the growing use of AI, big data, and data analytics in employment recruitment are discussed.
- Deceptive practices (Chapter 8): A new section discusses two self-regulatory programs operated by the Better Business Bureau that are of relevance to social media advertising: the National Advertising Division and the Children’s Advertising Review Unit, the latter of which issued revised guidelines that became effective on January 1, 2022.
- Required disclosures in advertising (Chapter 8): In October 2021, the FTC began sending a series of Notices of Penalty Offenses to large numbers of businesses following an April 2021 Supreme Court decision that stripped the FTC of its authority to obtain monetary redress without first engaging in administrative proceedings.
- Privacy of victims of crime (Chapter 9): A new section discusses the privacy and ethical issues arising from the provision of social media information about victims of crime.
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