Kane on Trademark Law is a comprehensive resource on trademark law and tactics which provides court-tested practical suggestions on how to quickly spot potential conflicts and save time on searches, overcome common descriptiveness rejections, update or amend registrations, and prepare witnesses for depositions. It includes illustrative lists of cases, full-color illustrations of previously litigated marks, sample forms, and step-by-step checklists. The treatise is updated regularly to provide in-depth analysis of the most recent developments in the field.
The new release provides expert analysis and practical insights regarding a wide range of trademark issues. Topics of interest include:
- Registration; grounds for rejection: Revisions include updates to the opposition proceeding involving the RAPUNZEL mark currently pending before the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (see § 6:5.2).
- Fraud: Revisions include discussion of Chutter, Inc. v. Great Management Group, LLC and Chutter, Inc. v. Great Concepts, LLC on the standard for fraud post-Bose (see § 7:2.5).
- Limits to incontestability: Revisions include updated Eleventh Circuit case law on the relevance of incontestability to the infringement analysis (see § 7:3.4[C]).
- Internet: Revisions include a new discussion of the Metaverse and cases involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) (see § 11:1.3).
- Rights of publicity and privacy: Section 14:2.1 takes note of NCAA name, image, and likeness rule changes per a recent Supreme Court case and NCAA policy changes.
- TTAB proceedings: New Federal Circuit cases have been added to the discussion on standing in section 19:2.2[A].
The Table of Authorities and the Index have also been updated.
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