Patent Litigation (Third Edition) enhances every patent litigator’s ability to prevail at trial while helping to cut the costs and complexity of litigation. Written by leading patent litigators, the treatise provides guidance on various infringement actions and their respective burdens of proof. It also offers pointers on conducting comprehensive pre-suit investigations; developing potent case themes; assembling strong litigation teams; developing smart litigation budgets; maximizing the persuasive impact of documents, exhibits, and witnesses; and making savvy use of computers, jury consultants, and litigation support vendors.
The new release covers many important developments, such as:
- Corporate disclosures under Rule 7.1 and the hotly debated issue of whether recent court-imposed disclosure requirements are justified or permissible (see new section 3:7).
- Two cases from district courts on the standard for assessing communications between the buyer and seller and licensor/licensee of patent rights made before the transactions closed (see section 5:4.2).
- Case law from the federal circuit regarding an overly broad injunctive relief in the design patent context (see section 10:5.1).
- Case law involving Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna’s claim that it is shielded from an infringement lawsuit in district court because of its agreement to supply the vaccine to the federal government (see section 14:2.2).
- The PTAB’s clarification on its guidance for discretionary denial of IPR due to the advanced state of a parallel proceeding under Fintiv and the implications for the global defense strategy of respondents in ITC proceedings (see sections 14:4.9 and 15:3).
- Circulation judge pool review, the PTO’s new internal procedure designed to improve overall quality of PTAB final written decisions (see new section 15:8.3).
For additional recent developments in patent litigation, check out this recent PLI Chronicle article, Patent Antibody Case Law Continues to Mature.
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