October Course Handbook Update

Here are the PLI Course Handbooks that were published during the month of October.  Additional information about all our titles can be found at www.pli.edu.  Please write libraryrelations@pli.edu if you have any questions or would like to order a title.

Title Publish Date Spine No Item id
12th Annual Commercial Real Estate Institute 10/25/10 N582 23437
12th Annual Supreme Court Review 10/30/10 xxx 23548
27th Annual Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation 10/21/10 H836-837 23559
Advanced Compliance and Ethics Institute 2010 10/5/10 B1840 23761
Advanced Securities Law Workshop 2010 10/8/10 B1839 22960
Annual Institute on Employment Law 2010 10/14/10 H833 23407
Auditor Liability in the Current Environment: How to Protect Yourself 10/22/10 B1844 22975
Broker-Dealer Regulation and Enforcement 2010 10/20/10 B1845 22715
Commercial Arbitration 2010: New Developments and Strategies for Efficient, Cost-Effective Dispute Resolution 10/6/10 H835 23777
Corporate Political Activities 2010: Complying with Campaign Finance, Lobbying & Ethics Laws 10/5/10 B1837 23990
Drafting Securities Filings 2010 10/7/10 B1841 23400
Financial Services Industry Regulatory Compliance & Ethics Forum 2010 10/27/10 B1847 23004
Pocket MBA for Lawyers November 2010 10/27/10 0 24466
Pocket MBA: Finance for Lawyers November 2010 10/28/10 B1846 24606
Understanding the Intellectual Property License 2010 10/14/10 G1025 23940
Understanding the Securities Laws 2010 10/18/10 B1842-1843 23736