Innovation is still alive and well

[Guest Blogger: Zoyna L. Dixon, Business Development Associate, PLI]

President Barack Obama congratulated some of the most talented engineers, scientists and inventors as he awarded them with the National Medals of Science and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation; one of the highest honors awarded by the United States Government in this field.   Amongst a select group of press invited was PLI’s Patent Bar principle lecturer Gene Quinn of IP Watchdog, Inc.  who strongly supports the idea that one of the best ways to stimulate growth within our economy is to recognize the need for innovation, and appreciate the talent that create new systems, inventions, and spark ideas for growth.  PLI’s Patent Bar Review course has prepared a significant number of engineers and scientists to become a part of the esteemed  society of Patent Agents, and Patent Lawyers that practice before the U.S. patent office; individuals that will protect the intellectual property rights of organizations within the U.S.  During President Obama’s speech he touched on the necessity for our generations to come to be properly educated in math and science and how important it is for us to continue to support this within our education system.  PLI’s dedication to the practitioner within the IP society warrants us to offer cutting edge material that reflect what is current within the IP world, and effectively aid in the day to day practice of those who obtain our services.  Visit PLI’s Patent community to stay abreast of what’s new in the patent world.