Treatise Update- Patent Litigation (3rd Edition)

Patent Litigation (3rd Edition) is an indispensable practical resource for every patent litigator. This treatise increases your ability to prevail at trial while helping you cut the costs and complexity of litigation. Written by leading patent litigators, this treatise helps guide it’s readers through the litigation process, helping them to understand various infringement actions and their respective burdens of proof; conduct comprehensive pre-suit investigations that streamline your cases; develop potent case themes; assemble strong litigation teams; get an early edge over opponents during discovery; reduce expenses by developing smart litigation budgets; maximize the persuasive impact of documents, exhibits, and lay and expert witnesses; and fortify their case while controlling costs by making savvy use of computers, jury consultants, and litigation support vendors.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Corporate disclosures under Rule 7.1 and the hotly debated issue of whether recent court-imposed disclosure requirements are justified or permissible (see section 3:7).
  • Case law from the federal circuit vacating a preliminary injunction that barred a patentee from informing the accused infringer’s customers of patent infringement because the accused infringer had not shown the infringement accusations to be unreasonable or objectively baseless as a matter of literal infringement or infringement under the doctrine of equivalents (see section 10:3.2).
  • Examples of courtroom technology available in common patent venues (see section 11:7.4).
  • The important role played by the Office of Unfair Import Investigations in section 337 proceedings before and after complaint filing (see section 14:4.4).
  • An expanded discussion of the remedies available in an ITC litigation (see section 14:4.9).
  • A new section on the public interest factors that the ITC must consider in fashioning a remedy (see section 14:4.10).

The Index and Table of Authorities have also been updated.

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