Treatise Update: Proskauer on Privacy: A Guide to Privacy and Data Security Law in the Information Age (Second Edition)

Proskauer on Privacy: A Guide to Privacy and Data Security Law in the Information Age is a comprehensive reference on the laws governing every area where data privacy and security is potentially at risk — including government records, electronic surveillance, the workplace, medical data, financial information, commercial transactions, and online activity, including communications involving children. This book gives crucial guidance on how to establish compliance programs that adhere to both federal and state regulations. The aim is to ensure data privacy and security, prevent cybercrime, and avoid potential consequences such as fines, penalties, legal cases, damages, and negative publicity.

Highlights from the new release include updates to the following chapters:

  • Chapter 4 discusses recent FTC focus on the consumer protection and competition risks associated with algorithms, AI, and automatic tools, including its employment of enforcement tools to disincentivize companies from using data that was wrongfully collected to develop AI.
  • Chapter 9 talks about a new standard set forth by the NLRB for determining whether an employer rule unlawfully interferes with employees’ exercise of Section 7 rights, overturning its prior standard. Under the current approach, following a showing that a challenged rule is presumptively unlawful, the employer can rebut the presumption by establishing that the rule is necessary to advance a legitimate and substantial business interest that it would not be able to advance with a more narrowly tailored rule.
  • Chapter 14 includes discussion of significant privacy protection developments globally, including in Argentina, India, Israel, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Vietnam.

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