Broker-Dealer Regulation (Second Edition) covers the latest laws and regulations governing broker-dealers and provides a comprehensive and practical overview of the many requirements of this highly regulated area. This book instructs on how brokerage firms can satisfy SEC/SRO standards, with detailed coverage of registration reporting and record-keeping rules, suitability and best execution standards, ways of minimizing liability in the event of legal lapses, by documenting good-faith compliance efforts and the implementation of a tailor-made compliance program that can help detect and prevent illegal conduct within the firm. It’s filled with practical suggestions on how to best comply with requirements in such areas as electronic trading, safeguarding customer information, trading desk activities and business continuity planning.
The new release includes the following updates:
- Chapter 5, Broker-Dealer and Associated Person Registration, covers FINRA’s Maintaining Qualifications Program.
- Chapter 17, Research and Research Analysts, covers the EU Listing Act, which removes the market capitalization threshold and allows for the bundling of payments for research and execution services, if certain requirements are met.
- Chapter 18, Electronic Trading, reviews the 2024 Amendments to Rule 605’s disclosure requirements.
- Chapter 49, Investment Banking Compliance, reviews the SEC’s amendments, adopted on May 16, 2024, to Reg S-P; and the SEC’s proposed rules that would apply to the use of any “covered technology” by broker-dealers or investment advisers in “investor interactions,” and would require that such registrants establish policies and procedures to determine if the use of any such tool results in a conflict of interest that places the interests of the registrant ahead of the interests of investors, and to eliminate or neutralize that conflict.
- Chapter 52, Private Banking and Wealth Management, discusses the May 2024 SEC and FinCEN Joint Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that will expand CIP obligations for SEC-Registered Investment Advisers and Exempt Reporting Advisers by requiring them to establish, document, and maintain written CIP procedures.
- Chapter 53, Blockchain and Digital Assets, has been updated to cover regulatory developments involving digital securities and commodities.
The Table of Authorities and Index have also been updated.
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