Treatise Update: Hedge Fund Regulation (Second Edition)

Hedge Fund Regulation (Second Edition) provides a comprehensive understanding of hedge funds, covering their history, investment strategies, legal, and compliance considerations. Updated regularly, the treatise guides practitioners in structuring funds, raising capital, complying with regulations, managing portfolios, and adhering to reporting obligations with regulatory agencies.

The new release includes the following updates:

  • Chapter 8, Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, has been revised to cover the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s adoption of rules subjecting investment advisers to anti-money laundering/countering of financing of terrorism programs and related reporting requirements.
  • Chapter 9, Privacy Regulations, has been updated to address the SEC’s amendments to Regulation S-P, designed to enhance data security and breach notification obligations.
  • Chapter 13, Compliance, has beenrevised to address the implications of the vacating of the Private Fund Adviser Rules by the Fifth Circuit.
  • Chapter 14, Books and Records, discusses of records requirements, including discussion of recent “off channel” communications enforcement actions and the latest revisions to Form PF.
  • Chapter 19, Pensions, analyzes the Department of Labor’s recent amendments to Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 84-14, the QPAM Exemption.
  • Chapter 26, Derivatives Markets Participants, has been revised to address recent changes to the CFTC’s capital requirements for swap dealers, the SEC’s added protections for Chief Compliance Officers of security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants, and SEC Rule 9j-1 that targets fraud and manipulation in the context of security-based swaps.

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