Financially Distressed Companies Answer Book 2013 (2013 Edition)

distressedABIn order to survive, a company in financial distress must approach its business and capital structure differently than a financially sound company. A company in financial distress may, for example, need to preserve cash by stretching accounts payable, to raise cash by selling assets, or to arrange for emergency liquidity from institutional lenders. The response of a company to its deteriorating financial condition will almost certainly affect, perhaps in material ways, a company’s key constituents.

Financially Distressed Companies Answer Book 2013 provides a broad overview of topics relating to financially distressed companies. It is intended to be an easy reference with respect to issues for the management of a company finding itself in financial distress, a vendor or other creditor trying to manage its exposure or understand a bankruptcy process, or a nonbankruptcy lawyer needing a description of the legal concepts relevant to distressed companies. The book provides answers detailed enough to provide a working understanding of concepts, and relevant statutory and case law cites to facilitate any necessary further reading. Examples and practice tips help illustrate concepts and provide practical guidance.

Book Information:

Title:  Financial Distressed Companies Answer Book 2013

ISBN #: 9781402419676

Item #: 46612

Price: $235.00

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