What’s New in Corporate & Securities Law?

1095Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions Answer Book is a new PLI title that Discover PLUS subscribers have access to!

PLI Answer Books are written in a question and answer style format, and a great secondary sources to start your research.  Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions Answer Book offers readers guidance on multiple legal and practical issues dealing with health care merger and acquisition transactions.

Impact of the Patent Cliff

A “patent cliff” refers to a period of time during which a number of popular, name-brand drugs lose patent protection.  AstraZeneca’s acquisition of Ardea Biosciences is one example of a patent-cliff-driven transaction.  By acquiring Ardea, AstraZeneca expanded its pipeline of small-molecule drug candidates.  To get more information on this patent-cliff transaction, PLI Discover PLUS subscribers can search AstraZeneca, or go directly to Current Trends in Health Care M&A.

Impact of Health Care Reform

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was a U.S. health care reform statute enacted in 2010, and has impacted health care investors.  Some industry observers have indicated that an overall uptick in M&A deal flow will be a result of health care reform.  To learn more about health care reform, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, PLI Discover PLUS subscribers can search “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” /s “health care reform” or read about it in Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions Answer Book, Impact of Health Care Reform Legislation on Health Care Transactions.