Free One Hour Briefing on Ethical Issues in Limited Scope Representation

October 21, 2014, 1:00p.m. –  2:00p.m. (E.D.T)

Limited scope representation, also known as unbundling, is a way to connect lawyers needing work to clients needing affordable or pro bono legal assistance. It allows the lawyer and the client to agree in advance that the lawyer will undertake certain tasks, such as drafting pleadings or appearing at a contested hearing, and the client will represent him or herself for other parts of the case. This is a valuable tool in increasing access to justice and improving the workings of the court system. It does, however, raise some unique ethical issues that need to be addressed.

As part of the ABA’s National Celebrate Pro Bono Week, please join Toby J. Rothschild, retired general counsel of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, for a free one-hour briefing on how to safely practice limited scope representation.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • What is limited scope representation?
  • What are the ethical issues that can arise in a limited scope engagement?
  • How can you avoid the ethical pitfalls and provide high quality representation In a limited scope engagement?

Register now and don’t miss this important free briefing!