New Edition of Securities Litigation: A Practitioner’s Guide

Securities Litigation.jpegPLI recently published a new edition of Securities Litigation: A Practitioner’s Guide (2nd Edition).

This treatise provides you with the guidance you need to help your clients gain the competitive edge in securities class actions. Securities Litigation: A Practitioner’s Guide (2nd Edition) is a timely reference that helps you master relevant federal procedural rules for securities class actions, effective defenses against such actions, appellate standards of review, and the steps involved in achieving favorable settlements.

With this new and expanded edition, the authors have added two additional chapters:
New Chapter 17: Mergers & Acquisitions Litigation, provides an overview of the principal issues presented in one now very common form of securities litigation: lawsuits arising out of mergers and acquisitions.
New Chapter 18: Derivative Litigation and Pre-Suit Demands, provides an overview of derivative litigation—a suit brought on behalf of a corporation by one or more of its stockholders—and includes discussion of common claims, procedural issues, board responses to pre-suit demands and litigation, and other practical considerations that frequently arise.

This essential new title is available on PLI Discover PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call (877-900-5291) us.