New Answer Book! Transfer Pricing Answer Book

Transfer Pricing ABPLI’s Transfer Pricing Answer Book (2017 Edition) gives companies such guidance by discussing all aspects of transfer pricing, from initially planning a transfer pricing strategy, to alternative ways to defend the strategy from attack by two or more tax authorities, to resolving a case before competent authorities, to bringing a transfer pricing case to court.  The book’s non-technical discussion is presented in a question and answer format that will appeal to readers regardless of their prior level of experience or familiarity with taxes in general and transfer pricing in particular.

Transfer Pricing Answer Book is an invaluable resource for company executives and their advisors who are seeking to better understand this important area of tax law that has become such an important economic facet of so many businesses.

This essential new title is available on PLI PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877-900-5291.