25% off Pre-order of Financial Services Mediation Answer Book

Please join PLI in a limited-time, pre-order offer on our new guide to dispute resolution, Financial Services Mediation Answer Book (2017 Edition)

Financial Services

Financial Services Mediation Answer Book provides detailed guidance, in question-and-answer format, on all aspects of mediating disputes involving financial services. More than forty attorneys contributed to ten chapters, reflecting a wide range of experiences, observations and perspectives, on both the plaintiff and defense sides. The book includes significant discussion of what to do when negotiations fail, how the availability of insurance affects the mediation process, and how to address issues that are specific to mediations involving auditors. The book also includes a chapter on recurring legal issues that can arise when mediating financial services disputes, and concludes with a series of Q&As by several highly experienced mediators.

To order by phone, please call PLI’s Customer Service Department at (800) 260-4754. Be sure to mention your Priority Code, YLJ7-8AEM1B, to receive 25% off.