Primary Law Links Now Available on PLI PLUS

Our subscribers asked, and we answered! The PLI PLUS platform now connects to primary law, powered by Fastcase links, providing PLUS subscribers with unlimited access to state and federal cases that are cited in PLI’s comprehensive library of treatises, answer books, course handbooks, and journals. PLI publications include such industry-leading works as Sack on Defamation: Libel, Slander, and Related Problems (Fifth Edition), and Friedman on Leases (Sixth Edition).

The results of our fall 2017 PLI PLUS Subscriber Satisfaction Survey revealed that access to primary law was the most requested feature. We are very pleased to be able to now offer primary law to all PLUS subscribers.

PLI continuously works to enhance how we develop and deliver the highest quality educational and professional content available through our hands-on, award-winning programs and comprehensive library of publications, both in print and online.  “As part of the PLI PLUS platform, links to primary law  will continue to evolve and provide PLUS subscribers with the information that best fits their needs in today’s ever changing legal marketplace,” said Ellen Siegel, Vice President, Print and Digital Publishing at PLI.

ABOUT PLI: Practising Law Institute is a nonprofit learning organization dedicated to keeping attorneys and other professionals at the forefront of knowledge and expertise.  The essence of PLI’s mission is a commitment to the pro bono community, with more than 98,000 scholarships awarded in the last year and more than 400 pro bono member organizations. Founded in 1933 by Harold P. Seligson, PLI provides the highest quality accredited, continuing legal and professional education programs in a variety of formats, which are delivered by more than 4,000 volunteer faculty including prominent lawyers, judges, investment bankers, accountants, corporate counsel and U.S. and international government regulators. For more information, please visit our website at