Treatise Update: International Tax & Estate Planning

International Tax & Estate Planning: A Practical Guide for Multinational Investors (Third Edition) presents the clear and practical approach of a person who deals with private wealth, its management and its disposition. In it, one of the nation’s leading multinational investment authorities shows you how to: capitalize on tax-advantaged strategies, protect investments against government expropriation, nationalization, or other extraordinary events, draft problem-free wills and trust documents that secure clients’ interests, and avoid errors in an era of increased regulatory oversight, conflicts of law, and greater demands for financial disclosure.

This title is an indispensable resource for lawyers, private bankers (both investment and commercial), corporate personnel of multinational corporations, accountants, and investment advisers.

This latest release updates the text with the practical information that enables multinational investors (and those who advise them) to protect investments, minimize taxation, maintain confidentiality, and assure proper disposition of assets upon an investor’s death.

A completely revised Chapter 5: Sovereign Risks, Expropriation, and the Act of State Doctrine, explores topics including: what constitutes just compensation; the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and Common Reporting Standard; sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba; and questions that can be used to determine whether a constructive taking has occurred.

This essential treatise is available on PLI PLUS. If you would like to order a print copy, please contact