Today is National Library Workers Day 2022. To mark the occasion, we decided to interview one of PLI’s very own inhouse librarians. Meet Elizabeth Beller, PLI’s Taxonomy Application Manager.

What led you to becoming a librarian?
EB: A few years before I started my studies in Library Science, I had been taking post-graduate classes in Asian art history with the intention of applying for PHD programs. The professor I was studying with wasn’t convinced I was the best candidate for a PHD program, but my Japanese language skills were at the time still quite good, and he suggested I look into Library Science. It took me a few more years to get there but I did enroll in Pratt’s program for Library Science after those conversations. And then this whole new world opened up to me that I hadn’t even been able to envision when I started looking into the MLIS and the field of librarianship. For instance, I entered then program with the goal of becoming an Asian language librarian in an academic setting and here I am working with Taxonomies for a CLE provider and legal publisher.
What is one thing about being a librarian you wish more people knew?
EB: It’s so much more than books! Librarians today fill this very interesting space between a glut of information and people seeking that information. This role can happen in so many ways: we can be reference librarians; we can work with information architecture or user experience; or we can work with taxonomies!
What is taxonomy and why is it important?
EB: Taxonomies are structured (hierarchical) lists of an area of human knowledge or experience. Their organizational structure makes them incredibly well suited to digital information. So instead of a card catalog, today we can “tag” or “index” content with taxonomic terms and then create organization through this tagging. Every time you shop online and use filters to hone down to the specific type of shoe or shirt or pants you want – you’re using taxonomy!
What is your favorite part about your job?
EB: Aside from the people – because the people at PLI are one of it’s most incredible assets! I like that at PLI I am able to role up my sleeves and really dive into some complex and exciting projects. I’ve been working with PLI’s taxonomy since 2016 and I’ve gotten to see the project evolve and grow from just us tagging content to the tags now being displayed and used across multiple public-facing PLI websites. We’re big and ambitious enough that we take on large projects but small enough that I get to be involved in many steps and areas of these projects.
What are you currently reading?
EB: Right now I’m reading Caliban’s War by James. S. A. Corey – the second book in the series the tv show The Expanse was based on. I had a baby on Thanksgiving and I need to ease myself back into serious reading. I do love Sci-fi though. My stack of books to be read is pretty big and varied…The Mirror and the Light by Hillary Mantel, The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa, Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doer…