Holtzschue on Real Estate Contracts and Closings

Release #4 is now available for Holtzschue on Real Estate Contracts and Closings.

This title is written by a veteran real estate attorney who helped write New York’s standard residential and commercial real estate contracts.  This treatise clearly explains the governing law and customary industry practices to ensure that you know how to prepare for a sale or purchase of real estate, including how to deal with the appropriate documents, tax issues, and brokers; draft and negotiate the contract, with the help of numerous laborsaving sample forms that speed the process; prepare for the closing, including the documents and scheduling details; and close the sale, including delivering and reviewing deeds and other paperwork and dealing with insurance policies, tax documents, and closing checks.

Included are checklists for sellers’ and purchasers’ attorneys that ensure all key steps are taken, as well as highlighted tips that underscore important transactional issues.

If your library is on standing order for this treatise, you can expect Release #4 to arrive soon.  If you’d like to order the release please email libraryrelations@pli.edu or call 877-900-5291. 

View a sample chapter here.