Changing Jobs in the New Legal Environment
(Free One-Hour Briefing)

Changing Jobs in the New Legal Environment: Tools, Tips and the Inside Scoop for Associates

January 12, 2012,  1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.  (E.S.T.)

We’ve all read about how the current legal environment has changed, and its impact on young lawyers. Still, there are many good opportunities for talented lawyers in a variety of practice areas and locations. In this free One-Hour Briefing, Executive Search Consultant Stephen Nelson and Career Counselor Katie White will review the state of the market and the factors that attorneys need to consider in determining whether to change firms, and the proper approaches that they should take if they make such a decision.

Topics that will be discussed:

  • Good and not-so-good reasons for moving
  • When is the best time to move
  • What employers are looking for
  • Importance of the resume and other materials
  • How associates should get the process started
  • Importance of career planning, business development, and networking
  • Using recruiters—pro and con
  • Dos and don’ts in working with recruiters

To register by phone, call PLI’s Customer Relations Department at (800) 260-4754. Be sure to mention your Priority Code: WFZ0-8LBS2