Category Archives: PLI PLUS

What’s New on PLI PLUS

We add content to PLI PLUS every month to ensure our subscribers have access to the most up-to-date and relevant secondary source legal documents. Renowned legal experts regularly update our acclaimed Treatises/Practice Guides, Course Handbooks, Answer Books, Transcripts, and Forms to reflect recent changes and developments in the law.

Click here to see what we added in March 2024! 

Treatise Update – The Circular 230 Deskbook: Related Penalties, Reportable Transactions, Working Forms

The Circular 230 Deskbook is an essential compliance resource for every tax professional who practices before the IRS.  It helps practitioners comply with complex Circular 230 amendments more easily — and avoid costly penalties and sanctions.  In addition to demonstrating prescribed duties when advising clients in the preparation of tax returns, it offers quick-reference compliance tools.

This release updates the treatise with the latest developments in tax and estate law relating to IRS Circular 230.   Highlights from the new release include:

  • Chapter 1: Deference: When the Court Must Yield to the Government’s Interpretation: Answers the questions of 1) whether Joint Committee reports carry more weight than law review articles and 2) whether IRS publications displace controlling statutes, regulations, and case law (see section 1:2 and section 1:3.1).
  • Chapter 3: Reporting and List Maintenance Requirements: Discusses how a district court’s invalidation of a notice on a nationwide basis was an error (see section 3:5).
  • Chapter 4: Circular 230: Suggests a best practice in the event a practitioner should die or become incapacitated (see section 4:16).

An updated Table of Authorities is included.

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

Free Legal Form of the Month

PLI PLUS offers unlimited electronic access to more than 4,500 downloadable, searchable, and editable legal forms ready for use in your practice. In an effort to highlight this unique content type, we’ve selected one form per month and made it available for anyone to download for free – no subscription required.

March’s free form:

General Continuing Guaranty

More information about Legal Forms & Checklists:

  • Forms & Checklists Flyer – This flyer provides an overview of the forms & checklists on PLI PLUS and highlights a handful of popular examples.
  •  Popular PLUS Forms – This flyer provides a list of the top five most downloaded forms in prominent practice areas on PLI PLUS.

Send us an email at to learn more.

Treatise Update – Derivatives Deskbook: Close-Out Netting, Risk Mitigation, Litigation (Second Edition)

Derivatives Deskbook: Close-Out Netting, Risk Mitigation, Litigation is a comprehensive resource for all users of swap agreements and derivatives, from financial institutions to corporate end-users. The treatise defines the key terminology and identifies the major players, discusses the full range of required documentation, highlights best practices for the legal risk management of derivatives, and includes numerous practice-tested legal forms.  In addition, it examines all significant, and often difficult-to-find, derivative transactions litigation cases from leading jurisdictions worldwide.

Highlights of this new release include:

  • Second Method, Market Quotation Under 1992 Master Agreement: Expanded discussion regarding the documents that may be considered in making the market quotation determination (see section 5:4).
  • Avoidance Powers—Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 547, and 548: Updated examination of a Supreme Court ruling on whether section 546(e) protects transfers made through a financial institution to a third party as an intermediary (see section 7:2.3).
  • Jurisdictional Issues: Added identification of the normal governing law of OTC derivative transactions and explanation of whether parties are obligated to utilize the laws of these jurisdictions (see new section 8:8).
  • General Review of Systemic Risk and Regulatory Developments: Expanded exploration of a Second Circuit decision relating to the extra-territorial aspects of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and the availability of judicial remedies for violations of the CEA by foreign counterparties (see section 9:1).

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

Treatise Update – Stocker on Drawing Wills and Trusts (Fourteenth Edition)

Stocker on Drawing Wills and Trusts, a staple in the library of attorneys and estate planners for more than 50 years, provides high-quality, comprehensive, field-tested drafting guidance that ensures wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents fully express clients’ wishes without provoking costly legal challenges. It is enhanced by hundreds of labor-saving sample forms and clauses.

Highlights of the new release include:

  • Estate Tax and Planning for the Appli­cable Credit Amount: Updated numbers regarding transfer tax rates; federal and state estate tax top rates; and gift, estate, and GST tax exemptions (see Chapter 5).
  • Preserving the Marital Deduction for a Surviving Spouse’s Revocable Trust: New information on how to avoid probate in a surviving spouse’s estate (see new section 6:7.7).
  • “Exhaustion” Concerns for Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts: Revisions detail the consequences resulting from inattentive drafting of payment provisions (see section 8:4.1[E][4]).
  • Provisions Relating to Trusts Holding Retirement Plans: Expanded section explores the SECURE 2.0 Act, which con­tinues the SECURE Act regime (see section 10:4.3).
  • Holographic Wills:  Updated explanation regarding holographic wills and validity challenges (see section 13:4.1).

In addition, numbers indexed for inflation have been added throughout the text, and the Index and Table of Authorities have been updated.

On a related note, check out this timely PLI Chronicle article on the new reporting obligations for trusts in Canada.

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

Treatise Update – New York Elder Law (Second Edition)

New York Elder Law is a comprehensive, authoritative guide to legal considerations for seniors in New York, with particular emphasis on areas such as Medicaid eligibility, Medicare, and Medi-gap Insurance. This book includes sample wills, checklists, flowcharts, and up-to-date information on eligibility and benefit levels, all designed to help practitioners work more effectively with government agencies. It also addresses broader issues such as nursing home rights, power of attorney, and healthcare decision-making, reflecting the latest legal developments in these areas.

Highlights of this new release include:

  • Medicaid for the Elderly, Blind, or Disabled: Discussion updated to cover the E14 Waivers or exceptions put in place for Medicaid renewals from July 1, 2023, through May 2024 (see section 3:12.1).
  • Medicaid Home Care: Updated discussions cover new form DOH-5770, Practitioner Statement of Need (see section 4:6.2[A][2]); and LDSS’s submission of a web-based form to NYIA requesting expedited assessments upon receipt of an immediate need request (see section 4:6.2[A][5]).
  • Nursing Homes: New discussion reviews visitation requirements for nursing homes, as well as residents’ rights (see section 5:21).
  • New York Power of Attorney: Updated discussions include the effect of a defective notarization on a power of attorney (see section 6:3), and the requirements to make gifts under the 2009 amendments to the NY GOL (see section 6:5).
  • Health Care Decision Making: New discussion of the Palliative Care Access Act (see section 7:11).

Order a print copy today.

PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

What’s New on PLI PLUS

We add content to PLI PLUS every month to ensure our subscribers have access to the most up-to-date and relevant secondary source legal documents. Renowned legal experts regularly update our acclaimed Treatises/Practice Guides, Course Handbooks, Answer Books, Transcripts, and Forms to reflect recent changes and developments in the law.

Click here to see what we added in February 2024! 

Free Legal Form of the Month

PLI PLUS offers unlimited electronic access to more than 4,500 downloadable, searchable, and editable legal forms ready for use in your practice. In an effort to highlight this unique content type, we’ve selected one form per month and made it available for anyone to download for free – no subscription required.

February’s free form:

Checklist to Log SEC Document Requests

More information about Legal Forms & Checklists:

  • Forms & Checklists Flyer – This flyer provides an overview of the forms & checklists on PLI PLUS and highlights a handful of popular examples.
  •  Popular PLUS Forms – This flyer provides a list of the top five most downloaded forms in prominent practice areas on PLI PLUS.

Send us an email at to learn more.

New Title! Corporate Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions

PLI Press is proud to announce the publication of the new treatise Corporate Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions.

This book offers a solid primer on the legal, finance, accounting, and economic aspects of valuation in merger and acquisition (“M&A”) transactions.  It addresses a wide range of issues that can arise in the process of evaluating a target or acquirer in an M&A transaction. The book also provides helpful reference materials in each chapter that the reader may consult when facing a particular issue, along with many documentary appendices relating to valuation issues.

This book offers a solid primer on the legal, finance, accounting, and economic aspects of valuation in merger and acquisition (“M&A”) transactions.  It addresses a wide range of issues that can arise in the process of evaluating a target or acquirer in an M&A transaction. The book also provides helpful reference materials in each chapter that the reader may consult when facing a particular issue, along with many documentary appendices relating to valuation issues.

Notably, the book covers the following important topics:

  • Basic business and regulatory M&A principles (see Chapter 1)
  • Valuation due diligence (see Chapter 3)
  • The process for determining a target’s value (see Chapter 4)
  • The Relative Valuation Techniques (see Chapter 15)
  • Valuation issues in management-led leveraged buyouts of publicly held companies (see Chapter 18)
  • The valuation of commercial banks (see Chapter 19)
  • Arbitrage Pricing and Adjusted Present Value Models (see Chapter 20)

In addition, the book examines the role of investment bankers, valuation experts, and the courts in several instructive M&A cases.

We are excited to share this new title with you!

PLUS Subscribers can access this title with their subscription.

Order a print copy today.

 Is your library interested in subscribing to PLI’s Standing Order Plan (SOP)? SOP subscribers automatically receive print copies of new titles to review upon release.  If you decide to keep the title, you will receive a discount up to 25% off the title and all future supplements. Call 877.900.5291 or email to learn more.