Category Archives: Answer Book

New Title! Depositions Answer Book

Depositions are the key component of all litigation matters that survive a motion to dismiss, allowing parties to discover the legal and factual theories of their opponent and to explore the validity of their own case theories and themes. What litigants learn from depositions can guide critical strategic decisions such as whether to settle (and, if so, at what value) or proceed to trial.

The newest answer book title from PLI Press, Depositions Answer Book draws on author Thomas Jackson’s decades of experience in antitrust, business, securities, IP and other litigation to help you master the crucial deposition process, delivering practice-based guidance on:

This essential new title is available on PLI PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877.900.5291.


New Edition! Medical Devices Law and Regulation Answer Book (2019 Edition)

PLI recently published the 2018 edition of Medical Devices Law and Regulation Answer Book, in which more than thirty contributors from various law and consulting firms share their expertise regarding the wide range of topics encountered in this heavily regulated field.

This book provides in-depth coverage of individual FDA programs that govern everything from conducting clinical trials, preparing successful premarket submissions, adhering to quality system requirements, and fulfilling post-market obligations and more. Presented in a question-and-answer format, this guide also discusses related topics that have a marked impact on the medical devices industry, such as intellectual property, product liability, and reimbursement.

Medical Devices Law and Regulation Answer Book is designed to distill the essential elements of this complex regulatory environment and provide a practical guide to the complexities of FDA regulation of medical devices. It is a practical, in-depth reference for all lawyers, consultants, and companies operating in the medical devices sector, as well as all companies contemplating entertering it .

This updated answer book is available on PLI PLUS, our research database.  If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877.900.5291.

New Edition! Financial Institutions Answer Book: Law, Governance, Compliance (2018 Edition)

PLI recently published the 2018 edition of Financial Institutions Answer Book, which provides a comprehensive overview of the complex federal requirements regulating financial institutions in the United States in an easily accessible Q&A format.

Every aspect of a financial institution life cycle is covered, from understanding the differences in regulation based on what type of charter is chosen, through ongoing capital and deposit activities requirements and major changes in corporate control, to the cessation of entity activity through merger, acquisition, or entity failure.

Financial Institutions Answer Book describes the requirements under each type of charter for the major areas of financial institution activity, such as:

Reflecting the increased federal concern with fraud, money laundering, and protecting the federal taxpayer from bank defaults, individual chapters are devoted to describing in detail the federal enforcement agencies and their powers, anti-money laundering and other fraud issues, the required examinations and audit process, and recent regulatory approaches to problem banks and failure.

Published in a handy softcover volume, Financial Institutions Answer Book is a source for quick, concise answers for lawyers and other legal professionals, as well as financial institution managers, officers, directors, and anyone else who would like a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework regulating banks and other financial institutions.

This new answer book is available on PLI PLUS, our research database.  If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877.900.5291.

PLI PLUS New Content Added in 2018

PLI PLUS, PLI’s online research database, provides unlimited access to PLI Press Treatises, Course Handbooks, Answer Books, Journals, in addition to Legal Forms and Program Transcripts. To reflect recent changes and the latest in legal developments, PLI PLUS is updated continuously with supplements and new editions as well as completely new titles.

Here is a list of new PLI titles added from 2015 through 2018:



Questions? Email or call 877.900.5291.

New Edition! Pharmaceutical Compliance and Enforcement Answer Book (2018 Edition)


PLI recently published the 2018 edition of Pharmaceutical Compliance and Enforcement Answer Book, which provides a comprehensive overview of the complex regulatory issues faced by the different participants in the pharmaceutical industry.

This resource gives clear, expert answers to questions on topics such as:

Filled with practical suggestions, Pharmaceutical Compliance and Enforcement Answer Book provides attorneys and compliance officers with a roadmap to effective compliance with FDA pharmaceutical regulations.

This new answer book is available on PLI PLUS, our research database.  If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877.900.5291.

New Edition! Transfer Pricing Answer Book (2018 Edition)

PLI recently published the 2018 edition of Transfer Pricing Answer Book.

The phenomena of increasingly global business enterprises with valuable intangible property expose companies to transfer pricing enforcement by different countries around the world. Many of these countries are increasingly aggressive in enforcing their local transfer pricing rules, as they attempt to protect their tax revenue base. To avoid double taxation of the same income in this environment, companies often are required to deal with the highly specialized, bilateral treaty-based competent authority process developed to prevent double taxation at a time when trade mainly involved only two established countries. Even more challenging today, companies and tax authorities increasingly are faced with the potential for multiple taxation of the same income, as supply chains cross many borders and as the tax authorities of emerging countries become players in the global taxation process, and the resulting stresses, strains, and limitations of the bilateral treaty-based competent authority process have become more apparent.

In light of the high-dollar risks presented by the increased enforcement efforts of tax authorities worldwide, the complexity of the ever-changing, inherently uncertain transfer pricing standards, and the continually evolving business models of businesses adapting to the constantly changing global economy, companies need practical guidance to permit them to develop and defend their transfer pricing strategies.

Transfer Pricing Answer Book gives companies such guidance by discussing all aspects of transfer pricing, from initially planning a transfer pricing strategy, to alternative ways to defend the strategy from attack by two or more tax authorities, to resolving a case before competent authorities, to bringing a transfer pricing case to court. It also provides an overview of the IRS’s approach to transfer pricing enforcement. The book’s non-technical discussion is presented in a question-and-answer format that will appeal to readers regardless of their prior level of experience or familiarity with taxes in general and transfer pricing in particular.

Transfer Pricing Answer Book is an invaluable resource for company executives and their advisors who are seeking to better understand this important area of tax law–one that has become  an important economic facet of so many businesses.

The new edition is available on PLI PLUS, our research database.  If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877.900.5291.

New Edition! ERISA Benefits Litigation Answer Book (2018 Edition)

ERISA Benefits Litigation Answer BookPLI recently published a new edition of ERISA Benefits Litigation Answer Book, which provides a comprehensive overview, in question and answer format, of the various causes of action the Employee Retirement Income Security Act provides to remedy violations of the statute, enforce the terms of a benefit plan, or provide other relief to a plan, its participants or its fiduciaries.

Written by a team of authors with many years of ERISA litigation experience, and filled with practical illustrations and tips, ERISA Benefits Litigation Answer Book describes the legal requirements of, defenses to, and unique aspects of litigation involving: stock drops, ESOPs, cash balance plans, prohibited transactions, 401(K) fees, recovery of benefits due under a plan, multi-employer plans, managed care plans, and discrimination and interference with benefits rights. Also covered are chapters discussing litigation of claims arising under federal common law, affirmative defenses to ERISA claims, and limitations on actions under ERISA.

The new edition is available on PLI PLUS, our research database.  If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877.900.5291.

PLI’s New Guide to Financial Services Mediation!

Did you know that Mediation Can Be a Powerful Tool for In-House Counsel? Check out the interview below with the editors of PLI’s new Financial Services Mediation Answer Book (2017 Edition) .



Financial Services Mediation Answer Book is available on PLI PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877-900-5291.