Category Archives: Answer Book

2017 Edition – Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Answer Book


FATCA Answer Book_NWForeign Account Tax Compliance Act Answer Book (2017 Edition) provides a detailed analysis of requirements with which U.S. taxpayers with overseas accounts must comply.

Written and edited by Matthew D. Lee (Fox Rothschild LLP), this question-and-answer guide walks the reader through every aspect of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requirements. The book explains FATCA terms and concepts, identifies which foreign financial institutions (FFIs) are covered by the Act (over 155,000) and which countries (over 100) have signed, or indicated their willingness to sign, bilateral tax treaties with the United States (called Intergovernmental Agreements), and describes the obligations placed upon FFIs under the Act.

Additionally, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Answer Book provides guidance on how to create an acceptable compliance program and what is required to register as a foreign financial institution.

This new edition is available on PLI PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email or call 877-900-5291.

PLI PLUS Enhancement: Book Covers

We have added book cover images to PLI PLUS platform.

If you’re accustomed to using PLI Press books in print, these images provide a useful and handy visual aid when accessing content on PLI PLUS.

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The Detail View is now the default option for viewing content in the Browse tab. It expands upon the List View and you can easily toggle between the two formats using the list icons.


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25% off Pre-order of Financial Services Mediation Answer Book

Please join PLI in a limited-time, pre-order offer on our new guide to dispute resolution, Financial Services Mediation Answer Book (2017 Edition)

Financial Services

Financial Services Mediation Answer Book provides detailed guidance, in question-and-answer format, on all aspects of mediating disputes involving financial services. More than forty attorneys contributed to ten chapters, reflecting a wide range of experiences, observations and perspectives, on both the plaintiff and defense sides. The book includes significant discussion of what to do when negotiations fail, how the availability of insurance affects the mediation process, and how to address issues that are specific to mediations involving auditors. The book also includes a chapter on recurring legal issues that can arise when mediating financial services disputes, and concludes with a series of Q&As by several highly experienced mediators.

To order by phone, please call PLI’s Customer Service Department at (800) 260-4754. Be sure to mention your Priority Code, YLJ7-8AEM1B, to receive 25% off.

PLI PLUS Privacy & Cybersecurity Content


PLI has numerous Privacy & Cybersecurity resources, many of which are available on PLI PLUS. Below, we’ve highlighted some of our Privacy & Cybersecurity materials that may be of particular interest:

Treatises/Answer Book:

Course Handbooks

If you have any questions about PLI PLUS or our Privacy & Cybersecurity materials, please email or call us at (877) 900-5291.

PLI PLUS Search Tip – Professional Skills Filter

Learn how to locate our professional skills content!

Want to see a list of the publications, Forms, and Transcripts in our Professional Skills practice area? Navigate to Browse and select “Professional Skills” from the practice area filter on the left.

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PLI Discover PLUS: Content Added in 2016

PLI Discover PLUS continually grows: new books are published; Treatises are updated; Forms are added; and new programs generate our Course Handbooks and Transcripts. Here’s a listing of the content added or updated to PLI Discover PLUS in 2016. It can be used as a reference guide for librarians, attorneys, researchers and other subscribers.

  • 19 Answer Books
  • 202 Course Handbooks
  • 611 Archived Course Handbooks
  • 7 Forms
  • 253 Transcripts
  • 16 Treatises
  • 63 Treatises – Supplemented


9 Terms to Include in Your Privacy Policy

A privacy policy should disclose the types of information that a company collects, how that information is used, and with whom that information is shared.

The authors of Privacy Law Answer Book, edited by Jeremy Feigelson (Debevoise & Plimpton LLP), recommend, at a minimum, the following terms:

  1. A description of the personal information that will be collected—for example, a user’s name, email address, phone number, mailing address, or credit card number.
  2. When that personal information will be collected—for example, information may be collected when a user registers for an online account or places an order.
  3. A description of the non-personal information that will be collected—for example, a user’s browser information or IP (Internet Protocol) address.
  4. How that non-personal information will be collected—for example, through the use of cookies or web beacons.
  5. How the collected information will be used—for example, personal information may be used to send the user information about a company’s products or services, and non-personal information may be used to provide targeted advertising by displaying products or advertisements that may be of interest to the user.
  6. Whether the collection of any information is voluntary or mandatory for consumers— for example, if non-personal information is automatically collected via cookies, that is considered mandatory collection.
  7. The categories of third parties with whom the information is shared—for example, information may be shared with a company’s affiliates, outside vendors, or other third parties (this disclosure need not list each third party by name).
  8. Whether and how a user can review or change her personal information—for example, explaining how a user can update her profile or contact a company to request a change or request that information be deleted from the user’s records.
  9. A statement that the privacy policy should not be construed as establishing a contractual relationship.


Privacy Law Answer Book (2017 Edition) Edited by Jeremy Feigelson, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

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New Answer Book! Privacy Law Answer Book

Privacy Law Answer BookPLI’s new Privacy Law Answer Book answers key questions related to the evolving collection, use, and storage of consumers’ personal information.

The Q&A-formatted guide makes clear sense of the patchwork of federal, state and international laws and regulations, with expert guidance on privacy policies, COPPA, financial privacy, medical privacy, and more.

Edited by Jeremy Feigelson (Debevoise & Plimpton LLP), the Answer Book will help readers keep clients and companies one step ahead of the data privacy challenges of tomorrow.

This essential new title is available on PLI Discover PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email the PLI Library Help Desk or call 877-900-5291.


PLI Discover PLUS Answer Books Video Tutorial

PLI Answer Books are written in an easy to read, q&a format. And they’re filled with checklists and practice pointers, making them useful resources for seasoned practitioners and newer attorneys alike. Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to access our more than 80 Answer Books on PLI Discover PLUS:

Be sure to check out the rest of our videos on the PLI Librarian YouTube channel. We will continue to add instructional videos to this channel, so stay tuned for more! And if you have any suggestions on search tips videos you would like to see, please contact the PLI Library Help Desk .