Category Archives: New Title!

National Pro Bono Week

It’s National Pro Bono week (October 25 – 29, 2010)!  Is your firm or organization looking to create a pro bono program?  If so, check out the newest PLI Treatise Pro Bono Service by In-House Counsel: Strategies & Perspectives.
Pro bono service in corporations, once a nascent movement, is becoming the norm.  Pro Bono Service by In-House Counsel: Strategies and Perspectives gathers together the wide-ranging experiences of in-house corporate counsel to guide you how to start, maintain, and expand your company’s pro bono legal services.  

This treatise recounts the experiences of representatives of several companies with in-house programs—Time Warner Inc., Caterpillar, American Express, AOL, Intel, LexisNexis Group, Starbucks Coffee Company, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Microsoft, Accenture, Citigroup, GE. Any in-house counsel seeking to foster pro bono initiatives will thus have a menu of approaches from which to devise an appropriate program.

Book Information:

Pro Bono Service by In-House Counsel: Strategies and Perspectives, 1st Edition

ISBN Number: 978-1-4024-1482-4

Page Count: 544 pages

Item #: 28132

Price: $49.00

New Treatise Available – Sovereign Wealth Funds

PLI just published a new treatise entitled Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs).  Although they’ve existed for many years, the first decade of the 21st century saw a substantial surge in the assets of SWFs.  This, coupled with a more aggressive investment style, has resulted in a much greater awareness, by both governments and the public, of SWF activity.  In turn, this has generated an ongoing policy debate about the proper role of government regulation and taxation of these funds.

In Sovereign Wealth Funds, noted international tax lawyer Leonard Schneidman has assembled an array of essays, authored by a global collection of subject area experts, designed to explore three key aspects of SWFs: their regulation and governance, investment behavior, and taxation.  If your library or organization is interested in the SWF phenomenon and its practical legal, tax and financial implications—this is a valuable resource.

Book Information:

1st Edition
ISBN Number: 978-1-4024-1481-7
Number of Volumes: 1
Page Count: 378 pages
Item #: 28131
Price: $225.00

Click here for additional information.

M&A on the rise

 The mergers and acquisitions market has been growing this year, as reported in the Legal Intelligencer here.

The recession forced corporations to implement cost-cutting measures resulting in increased liquidity.  This extra cash is one of the reasons attributed to the increase in M&A activity.  While the market is not near the levels that were seen in 2007, the increase is still notable.

If your firm or organization is involved in M&A, consider adding PLI’s upcoming treatise in your library: Mergers, Acquisitions & Tender Offers Law and Strategies. 

The author is Samuel C. Thompson, Jr., former head of the tax department of Schiff Hardin & Waite in Chicago, tax policy advisor, on behalf of the U.S. Treasury Tax Assistance Office and Attorney Fellow in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Merger and Acquisitions Office, previously taught at the University of California Los Angeles School of Law and was director of the UCLA Law Center for the Study of Mergers and Acquisitions. He is the author of sixteen books and more than 75 articles on corporate and international tax, corporate governance, and antitrust law. 

The book will be available in November 2010 but you can preorder your copy here or by emailing