Tag Archives: pro bono

Employment Law Yearbook 2019 Edition

Each edition of Employment Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the most important developments in employment law over the past year, including critical case decisions, legislative changes, government agency actions, and other events of interest to employers, employment and HR professionals, corporate attorneys, and employee advocates. Employment Law Yearbook 2019 details and analyzes recent legal developments, including:

This treatise is available on PLI PLUS. If you would like to order a print copy, please contact libraryrelations@pli.edu.

Free One-Hour Briefing on Helping Child Migrants: Learn How to Represent Children Who Need Immigration and Family Court Assistance

June 26, 2014, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (E.D.T.)

You can participate in this One-Hour Briefing and learn how to volunteer as pro bono counsel for an immigrant child. In the past eight months, the Customs and Border Protection announced that more than 47,000 children have been apprehended at the Southern border and placed in deportation proceedings. In some immigration courts, 12 to 15% of the dockets are unaccompanied minor children. Sadly, there is no right to free counsel for children in immigration proceedings. The children are primarily arriving on the Southern border and come from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador but children are also sent, sometimes against their will from many countries including China, South Asia and the Caribbean. The median age of the children being apprehended in 2014 is approximately 14 but even toddlers have been arrested and placed into removal poceedings.

Please join Professor Lenni B. Benson, Director of the Safe Passage Project, Deborah Lee, Senior Staff Attorney, Immigration Intervention Project, Sanctuary for Families and Lisa Frydman, Associate Director and Managing Attorney, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, for a free One-Hour briefing on Representing Unaccompanied Children Who Need Immigration and Family Court Assistance, and learn how you, too, can help.

Attorneys of all backgrounds, expertise, and experience are welcome. No prior immigration experience is needed.

Free One-Hour Briefing on How to Start–and Succeed–at Pro Bono

October 24, 2013, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (E.D.T.)

This is a free one-hour briefing in recognition of National Pro Bono Celebration Week!

Sure, you know pro bono is a good idea, and brings many benefits to you, your firm, and the clients you serve. But where do you start? How do you know what work is available, and what would be interesting? What work would fit best with your career goals, your time commitments, and your work situation? What work will prove to be fascinating and rewarding (and what won’t?) How can you do pro bono work when you don’t have any experience in any of the areas you think there are pro bono opportunities?

As part of the ABA’s National Celebrate Pro Bono Week, please join Adam Friedl, Pro Bono Coordinator at ProBono.Net, and Tiela Chalmers, Pro Bono and Legal Services Consultant, for a free one-hour briefing on How to Start – and Succeed – at Pro Bono – and learn how you can build a pro bono practice that allows you to do well while doing good.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • How to figure out what work appeals to you, and will build your professional skills
  • Working within the constraints, opportunities and systems of your current situation
  • What types of work are available, and where to find them

Attorneys of all backgrounds, expertise, and experience are welcome. Register now, and learn more about pro bono today!

Free One-Hour Briefing on Immigration after Windsor

October 23, 2013, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT

This is a free one-hour briefing in recognition of National Pro Bono Celebration Week!

On June 26, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court declared Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional, opening a path to immigration benefits for same-sex families for the first time ever. Now that several months have passed, we have a better understanding of what’s proved successful for immigration applicants and what issues remain.

Please join Victoria Neilson, legal director, and Michael Sisitzky, staff attorney, at Immigration Equality, a national organization that advocates for full equality under U.S. immigration law for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and HIV-positive individuals and their families, for a free one-hour briefing. Topics to be discussed include:

• Agency guidance issued since the DOMA decision
• Anecdotes from clients and practitioners: what’s going well and what isn’t?
• Challenging cases and possible strategies
• LGBT family issues that are not solved by the end of DOMA

Register now and don’t miss this important Free Briefing in recognition of National Pro Bono Celebration Week!

Free One-Hour Briefing on the America Invents Act

January 17, 2013, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (E.S.T.)

John J. Calvert of the United States Patent and Trademark Office and James H. Patterson, principal at Patterson Thuente Christensen Pedersen, P.A. in Minneapolis will discuss the formation, implementation and future plans for the America Invents Acts (AIA) pro bono program.

The AIA requires that the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) work with local intellectual property (IP) organizations across the country in establishing pro bono patent application services for inventors and small businesses. Since the passage of this bill, four pro bono programs have begun offering services. At least 13 additional programs are in the planning stages. As these programs expand, more inventors and small businesses who qualify will potentially be able to receive pro bono assistance from qualified patent attorneys in filing patent applications. The overarching goal is to make the patent system affordable to those who do not have the financial resources to hire an attorney and to also ensure that no meritorious invention goes lacking for protection due to financial burden.

It is the intention of the program that patents should be issued to individuals and small businesses that can make contributions to society and have the potential to create jobs. This goal will only be obtained through the involvement of organizations that assist in the creation or growth of new businesses. To this end, each pro bono program is run through a local or state IP law association and utilizes a non-profit organization as the administrative body.

The program discussion will center around the following:
• A brief history of the start of the pro bono pilot program
• An overview of the AIA pro bono program
• What qualifications are looked at for entry into the program
• The National Clearinghouse and how does it connect to the regional pro bono programs
• What regional programs are in the works
• How to find additional information
• What plans are in the work for future expansion

Don’t miss this important Free Briefing–register today!

October 21 Marks the Beginning of National Pro Bono Celebration Week!

In recognition of this, PLI is offering two free pro bono one-hour briefings next week:

October 23, 2012, 1:00 – 2:00 pm (E.D.T.) – Making the Most of California’s New Homeowner Bill of Rights (FREE Audio-only)

On July 11, 2012, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law key provisions of Attorney General Kamala Harris’ Homeowner Bill of Rights.  This landmark legislation is designed to protect California homeowners from losing their homes to foreclosure if an alternative resolution is possible.  The new law includes restrictions on dual-tracking (initiating foreclosure against a borrower who has a loan modification application under review), requirements for improved communications by mortgage servicers and, importantly, a private right of action to enforce compliance.  The law goes into effect on January 1, 2013, and advocates for homeowners will need to get up to speed on it by then in order to represent their clients effectively both in and out of court. This One-Hour Briefing will guide you through the relevant provisions of the legislation and also point out some of the law’s limitations so you can effectively advise and represent your clients.

Maeve Elise Brown and Lisa Sitkin, foreclosure prevention attorneys at Housing and Economic Rights Advocates who have been closely involved in advocating for this legislation for the past three years, will discuss the important provisions of the Homeowner Bill of Rights and offer tips on how to make sure your clients get the full benefit of the law’s protections.

To register, click here.

October 24, 2o12, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (E.D.T) – Representing Unaccompanied Children in Immigration Proceedings: Learn How to Help (Free Audio-only)
The number of unaccompanied children placed in U.S. custody in Fiscal Year 2012 has reached an historic high: over 14,000 children, more than double the number last year.  Many of these children, who range from toddlers to teenagers, are fleeing abuse, abandonment, and persecution in their home countries, or are victims of human trafficking or other crimes.  They are placed in immigration removal proceedings and are not provided an attorney, regardless of their age.  Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) is a national nonprofit organization working hard to match these children with caring pro bono attorneys who will ensure that they do not face an immigration judge alone.

Please join Laurie Carafone, Pro Bono Coordinator at the Boston office of Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), and Douglas C. Doskocil, a partner at Goodwin Procter LLP and KIND pro bono attorney, for a free One-Hour briefing on Representing Unaccompanied Children in Immigration Proceedings, and learn how you, too, can help.

To register, click here.

Strategic Collaborations in Pro Bono Service Amongst Non-Profits, In-House Counsel and Law Firms (Free Program)

As National Pro Bono Celebration Week gets underway, how can we engage in more pro bono service? How can we leverage core competencies and collaborate strategically amongst non-profit organizations, in-house counsel, and law firms?

Please join David P. Hackett, Partner at Baker & McKenzie LLP and Editor of Pro Bono Service By In-House Counsel: Strategies and Perspective, Madeleine Schachter, Partner/Global Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Baker & McKenzie LLP; Bret I. Parker, Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Elizabeth Arden, Inc.; and Kwanza R. Butler, Senior Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary at TimeWarner Inc. in a one-hour briefing about engaging in strategic collaborations in pro bono service.

This free PLI briefing will cover:

  • Finding and selecting pro bono opportunities
  • Creating teams of volunteer lawyers
  • Maximizing impact on community needs
  • Maintaining momentum in pro bono programs

October 20, 2011, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (E.D.T.)


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings

PLI & Pro Bono Activities

To support attorneys engaged in pro bono work, PLI offers programs throughout the year in such areas as civil and constitutional rights, children’s welfare, education law, eviction defense, immigration issues, elder law, prisoners’ rights, bankruptcy, and representing nonprofit organizations.

Listed below are just a few of our upcoming pro bono programs. The programs below are free, but we also offer scholarships for other programs. For information about scholarships and additional pro bono programs, please click here.

  1. Defending Unlawful Detainers: Training Pro Bono Attorneys to Help Families Avoid Homelessness (FREE)
  2. Eviction Defense in San Francisco for Pro Bono Attorneys (FREE)
  3. Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation 2010 (FREE)

National Pro Bono Week

It’s National Pro Bono week (October 25 – 29, 2010)!  Is your firm or organization looking to create a pro bono program?  If so, check out the newest PLI Treatise Pro Bono Service by In-House Counsel: Strategies & Perspectives.
Pro bono service in corporations, once a nascent movement, is becoming the norm.  Pro Bono Service by In-House Counsel: Strategies and Perspectives gathers together the wide-ranging experiences of in-house corporate counsel to guide you how to start, maintain, and expand your company’s pro bono legal services.  

This treatise recounts the experiences of representatives of several companies with in-house programs—Time Warner Inc., Caterpillar, American Express, AOL, Intel, LexisNexis Group, Starbucks Coffee Company, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Microsoft, Accenture, Citigroup, GE. Any in-house counsel seeking to foster pro bono initiatives will thus have a menu of approaches from which to devise an appropriate program.

Book Information:

Pro Bono Service by In-House Counsel: Strategies and Perspectives, 1st Edition

ISBN Number: 978-1-4024-1482-4

Page Count: 544 pages

Item #: 28132

Price: $49.00