Tag Archives: free program

Free One-Hour Briefing on the Supreme Court and Informational Privacy: Bringing the Fourt Amendment into the 21st Century

April 30, 2014, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (E.D.T.)

On January 17, 2014 the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in two cases that will hopefully force it to bring the Fourth Amendment into the 21st century. In United States v. Wurie and California v. Riley, the Court will consider whether the police, after arresting an individual, may look at the contents of his or her cellphone. These cases may force the Court to confront a question that it has so far ducked: What is the Fourth Amendment’s protection for informational privacy? That is, to what extent should people be able to keep information from the government until it has probable cause to obtain it?

The presentation will address:

  • Emerging issues of technology and the Fourth Amendment
  • Recent cases concerning informational privacy and the Fourth Amendment
  • United States v. Wurie and California v. Riley

Register now for this free special event in celebration of Law Day and join Erwin Chemerinsky, Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Irvine School of Law for this important discussion.

Strategic Collaborations in Pro Bono Service Amongst Non-Profits, In-House Counsel and Law Firms (Free Program)

As National Pro Bono Celebration Week gets underway, how can we engage in more pro bono service? How can we leverage core competencies and collaborate strategically amongst non-profit organizations, in-house counsel, and law firms?

Please join David P. Hackett, Partner at Baker & McKenzie LLP and Editor of Pro Bono Service By In-House Counsel: Strategies and Perspective, Madeleine Schachter, Partner/Global Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Baker & McKenzie LLP; Bret I. Parker, Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Elizabeth Arden, Inc.; and Kwanza R. Butler, Senior Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary at TimeWarner Inc. in a one-hour briefing about engaging in strategic collaborations in pro bono service.

This free PLI briefing will cover:

  • Finding and selecting pro bono opportunities
  • Creating teams of volunteer lawyers
  • Maximizing impact on community needs
  • Maintaining momentum in pro bono programs

October 20, 2011, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (E.D.T.)


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings

300 Things You Can Do With A Law Degree
(Free PLI Program)

If you are considering how to better utilize your law degree, join Hindi Greenberg, a nationally known career consultant who herself practiced law for ten years and has written the best-selling Lawyer’s Career Change Handbook, and get practical ideas and pointers about the variety of job and career options that a lawyer can pursue. This is a free pro bono program brought to you by The State Bar of California and PLI.

Law students, practicing lawyers, unemployed lawyers, re-entry lawyers and anyone who has a J.D. and desires to find a good job in or out of law, and have more career satisfaction, will benefit from this program. Here’s what you will learn:

  • The possible uses for your legal training, both in and outside of the legal field
  • Ideas about jobs and categories that might fit who you are and what you want to do
  • How to go about seeking out those job opportunities
  • How to research the job market and make new contacts for employment
  • Begin identifying your skills and abilities and how they translate into new job or career possibilities
  • Illustrate how to restructure your resume and oral presentation about yourself so that an employer will understand your suitability for the job
  • Ways to best present yourself so that you can get a satisfying job, whether in or outside of law
  • Effective methods for networking and interviewing

Choose either the live or the Live Webcast program.

San Francisco and Live Webcast
October 20, 2011, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (PT)


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings

Technology Licensing Basics: How to Research, Draft and Monitor a Technology License Agreement (FREE One-Hour Briefing)

October 6, 2011, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

This free One-Hour Briefing will give attorneys and law librarians a better understanding of the fundamental legal issues associated with technology licensing in the high technology and biotechnology industries; and will illustrate some key legal research issues and techniques that arise during these complex technology licensing transactions.

Our first speaker, Frank X. Curci, a West Coast-based technology attorney representing entities in both the high technology and biotechnology industries, will address some of the key issues that technology licensing attorneys need to consider as they prepare and negotiate patent and other high technology and biotechnology license agreements.  Our second speaker, Hope Porter, a head law librarian from an intellectual property law firm, will discuss fundamental research strategies and databases guidelines which support and augment a technology licensing practice.

Join our speakers as they:

  • Highlight some of the major competing interests of licensors compared to licensees
  • Identify some of the key legal research tools available to technology licensing attorneys
  • Demonstrate the resources a law librarian can access to assist in drafting and monitoring a technology license agreement.

This briefing was conceived and created in cooperation with Practising Law Institute (PLI) and the Law Library Association of Greater New York (LLAGNY).  This briefing is chaired by Patricia Barbone, Gitelle Seer and Janice E. Henderson.


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings

Free 1-Hour Briefing on Researching High Yield Offerings

PLI and LLAGNY have teamed up to offer another free one-hour audio briefing to librarians, researchers, attorneys, and allied professionals.  This is the third in our ongoing series.

Researching High Yield Offerings – Tools and Resources to Help You Keep Pace

The past two years have been two of the healthiest on record for high yield offerings.  With offerings continuing at a frenetic pace, this program will be relevant for researchers and attorneys whose capital markets practice includes high yield transactions. The program will cover the documents that make up a high yield offering, with a focus on how to cull useful information from those documents, and will highlight the free and fee-based resources best suited to support the research needs in this practice area.

Discussion topics include:

  • What is a high yield offering
  • Overview of high yield market
  • Private placements and public offerings
  • Description of notes
  • Mechanics of a high yield offering
  • Sources for general and market information
  • Sources for precedents
  • Researching documents

This briefing, featuring instruction from a noted corporate researcher and an experienced practitioner, was conceived and created in cooperation with Practising Law Institute (PLI) and the Law Library Association of Greater New York (LLAGNY).  This briefing is chaired by Gitelle Seer, Janice E. Henderson, and Patricia Barbone.

What: Researching High Yield Offerings – Tools and Resources to Help You Keep Pace

When: May 5th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Presented by: Daniel J. Ferro – Manager, Corporate Resources Department, Fried, Frank, Harris & Shriver LLP and David A. Kanarek – Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings

New Patent Bar Exam is Coming (free program)

The Patent Bar Exam will be updated this year.  The changes are expected in April, according to the US Patent and Trademark Office.  If you are interested in learning more, PLI is holding a free One-Hour Briefing to discuss the changes.


New Patent Bar Exam is Coming! PLI is Already There for You!

February 25, 2011, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm  (E.S.T.)

The Patent Office recently announced that there will be a major update of the material tested on the Patent Bar Exam in April. PLI has been preparing for this change for years already. In this briefing, John M. White, PLI’s Director of Patent Professional Development and chief lecturer of PLI’s Patent Bar Review, will share the critical information and strategies for taking the Patent Bar Exam.

Topics to be addressed include:

• The new materials that will be tested on the Exam

• PLI’s preparations to make sure that you’re up to speed with everything tested on the Exam

• Strategies for taking the Exam into the foreseeable future

And for the most recent information, please visit the Patent Bar Review homepage, click here.


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings.