Listed below are the PLI Course Handbooks that were published in March 2013:
Commercial Law and Practice
Corporate Law and Practice
- Broker-Dealer and Adviser Regulatory Compliance Forum
- Corporate Governance
- Doing Deals
- Doing Deals in Latin America
- Fundamental Concepts in Drafting Contracts
- Investment Management Institute
- The SEC Speaks in 2013
- Securities Offerings
- Spin-Offs
Intellectual Property
- 7th Annual Patent Law Institute
- Counseling Clients in the Entertainment Industry
- IP Issues in Business Transactions
- Social Media
- Trade Secrets
Litigation and Administrative Practice
New York Practice Skills
Real Estate Law and Practice
Tax Law and Estate Planning
- 15th Annual Real Estate Tax Forum
- Consolidated Tax Return Regulations
- ERISA Fiduciary Investment Basics
- Nuts and Bolts of Tax Penalties
If you have any questions or would like to order a title, please email the Library Relations Help Desk or call 877-900-5291.