Tag Archives: listserv

PLI Listserv

The PLI Librarian would like to invite you to sign up for our Library Relations listserv.  Stay on top of all developments regarding our new eBook library, Discover PLUS, and learn what supplements are released each month. Our moderated listserv–we’ll only send messages about 3-4 times each month–will also keep you informed about our Answer Books, Treatises, and Course Handbooks, as well as our library-focused programs, and any other news that would be of interest to our library customers.

If you’d like to sign up please email libraryrelations@pli.edu.

PLI Listserv

I’d like to invite you to subscribe to PLI’s Library Relations Listserv.  The listserv was created as a result of librarians’ feedback.  This will be a resource for librarians to get the information they need from PLI without having to  check our website.  It is a forum to stay apprised of treatise supplementation—we’ve been trying to find a better way to let you know when our titles are updated.  In addition, we will let you know about any PLI Library Programs, new titles, Ebook Library notifications or anything else that concerns our library customers.

This listserv is moderated so you will only receive messages we send (about 4 per month). 

If you’d like to sign up please email libraryrelations@pli.edu